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    Everyone here seems to be really nice. We stopped by just to check it out with no intention of singing, and one guy showed us all of their amenities and specials. We went back about a month later and the same guy remembered us.

    I don't read or sing in Chinese but they have enough updated English songs with their real music videos (instead of the weird 90s women posing at the beach that other places show) to make me want to go back.

    The bigger rooms include private bathrooms, but even the smaller rooms are big and comfortable! They have a touch screen for song choosing that shows previews of videos before you even select it, which is convenient. They serve Kung Fu Tea and some pretty random food, like brie cheese & apples. It was $19/hr on a Thursday afternoon and as with other Chinese karaoke places, you can get as much food as the amount you paid for, for the karaoke.

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