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    Ok so let me start off saying this is a dive bar with alot of regulars and they are all friendly and inviting,love the bartenders on friday and saturday really awesome people, the downside is theres no drink specials on the weekend and u would think a place like this would have it but no... other then that they have plenty of stuff to do there and its just a fun lowkey place to hang out for younger or older people!

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    Great bar... a truely unique experience!!! And Joyce jr.  is super cute.

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    "Happened to pass here when waiting for a Pizza order down the road. Figured I'd stop by for a cold one. The bar tender Joy (?) and the patrons were amazing and fun. I will go back here soon. Nice Place hidden away for a good laugh."  No frills, just a down to earth shot and beer experience that allows you to "RELAX"

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    The diviest of dive bars...and not for everyone. If you like a dive bar with the rough around the edges clientele and drunken problem solving, which I love, this is a must go to dive bar on your pub run. The owner and customers make the place, and make it fun. Know what you are getting into but go ahead and try it!

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    I felt a sharp pain in my liver as I walked into this place.

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    You have been warned, this place is not for everyone. You will leave feeling only one of two ways. Dirty or too drunk to notice how dirty you have become.

    The regualars are hillarious, the bartender is a nut and the owner is usually sitting at the bar sipping an Evan Williams single barrel and giving people he hasn't seen before the stink eye.

    The drinks are watered down (usually) and the beer from the tap tastes like pure rusted metal. It's not really that cheap either, 7.50 for a pitcher of pabst and bottles of domestic for over four bucks. And if you know whats good for you, dont use the bathroom, just hold it (I wont go into detail).

    So why on earth would I give this place 5 stars? Because it is hillarious. The people are what make it great. It's the only place in wheaton that you can have 5 beers and breakfast at 6 am. Oh, and did I mention free pool tuesdays? It's the shit.

    I live in Chicago now, so whenever I am in town visiting old friends we usually end up here for at least a few minutes, provided of course it is tuesday and we are all already heavily intoxicated, which happens more often than I would like to admit actually.....

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    This is truely a dive.  I kinda felt 'dirty' being in there,   But the people are mostly friendly.

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    The place is a dump, beer tastes bad, and its basically all the town drunks hang out there which means 40+ older people.

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    Small bar in the middle of the boondocks off North Avenue. It opens at six in the morning and there are not alot of places in Dupage county that so that. There are two nights of free pool and the drinks are cheap. It is kinda of an non descriptive place especially compared to Rosie's down the street. never been there at night so I don't know what kinbd of crowd goes at night. They do have a good breakfest for a bar and if you ever wanted to eat breakfest at a bar and live near by stop here.

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