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    I love this place!  When it is in season, they have the best crawfish in town.

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    I had the most amazing raw oysters here.  I couldn't believe they were on special for only $3/ dozen.  Will definitely be back.

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    The Lafayette Tap Room has a nice and long wood bar. There are tables scattered about. Large windows make the place feel open and comfortable. Some live acoustic music was playing that added to the feel. The bar is also non smoking which I enjoy.

    Service is something to be desired. A bunch of cute coeds that know nothing about what the bar serves. They are friendly and working for tips.

    They have lots of taps. About 30. Though many are Euro macros. Stella, Peroni, Bass, ect. Lots of Abita with some Lazy Magnolia and Hook & Ladder (though the bartenders had know idea what either were). The bottle list is a bit more extensive. Several Sam Smith beers are available. Chimay, Duvel, Orval, Schneider, and Celebrator.

    Overall I like the Green Room better (much better quality and bottle selection). Though this place is not bad. It is a nice place in a neat part of town, but is kind of lacking for a top notch beer bar.

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    These guys have something great going on. Granted, I do miss the HUGE draft beer selection, but they've still got enough to choose from to keep the discerning guests' mugs full.

    The Tap Room hosts the "Mixers" for a local leadership organization of which I am a part. They are always helpful, hospitable, and just genuinely nice. The bartenders are pleasant as well, no matter what your drink preference.

    This place is the perfect followup for a dinner at any number of restaurants located in this developing, beautiful area of Lafayette. Definitely one of the most enjoyable businesses in the River Ranch development.

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    The crappiest service ever- the lost art of being a loser and trying to make money at it ... Belongs to this establishment ...!!!!  But they do know how to make money by being crooks - they added more tip on my credit card - than i authorized ... all good turned them in to amex!

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    Been about four times now, and I am not a fan. The beer selection got worse and worse each time I went. The last time, a friend and I tried ordering a few different bottled beers off of the menu, and they had none of them. The excuse was that they had stopped carrying those beers, but had not updated the menu yet.  Lame. The bartender was very nice though, which is why I didn't give The Tap Room one star.

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    The Tap Room is a good bar. They opened at 9am for the World Cup games which was awesome for me. They have alot of beer choices and beer mixers. My favorite is the "Dark Side of the Moon" which is Blue Moon on the bottom and Guiness on top. They serve great raw oysters too. The outside seating is nice for smokers like myself. It's a nice place to sit and have a beer when the weather is nice out. It's a little pricey (My Dark Side of the Moon's are 7 or 8 bucks) but you're in River Ranch so what do you expect?

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