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    Living the night life in this area for quite some time, a friend from Pilsen recommended this place.

    Well first and foremost, this place is open 24hrs and it has thee best tacos de Suadero in the City, so far, but only if they are available.

    However, my friends claims that their Quesadillas are their trademark. Their Agua de Horchata is good, but not the best. My only problem is their salsa roja and verde, they're are too watered down.

    The place is usually messy, but the service is great. The waitresses work their best whether if it's late, late at night or way too early in the morning. Good quality Carne
    de Suadero 24hrs a day. That's a win-win.

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    I came back with a few of the same friends I came here with the first time... and though nothing has changed besides the name (now Coyote) and my sobriety level (decidedly less tipsy this time), we agreed the food wasn't as good as remembered.

    I had the steak burrito, which is large, grilled and cut in half for you (probably an honestly nice gesture for the drunk patrons). The meat was just okay - I'm really not a fan of steak cut into 'pellets' (pretty low on the attractiveness scale) and the flavor is remarkably bland, yet unoffensive. Of course, plenty of cheese, beans and sour cream add a bit of zest. And again: Both salsas you'll find perched on the table are hot and hotter.

    It's open 24 hours. It's good enough. It's fast. Is it memorable? Nah, not so much.

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    the 24 hour taqueria of my life.  the horses on the walls, the framed poncho villa prints, the ghost juke.  oh the memories.  oh the late nights.  oh the food.  this is typical taqueria fare but the chilaquiles con chile de arbol salsa is a must.  and the veggie tacos bring you a step closer to mexican heaven.  sadly, if you have never eaten here. you never will.  this spectacular review serves as a eulogy as well.  they are currently transitioning into something that has to do with coyotes and are closed due to new management.  i can only hope they are open 24 hours a day.  without cardonas my stomach, my life, and my love will never be the same.

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    Bistec ala Mexicana makes me happy.

    The reason it makes me happy is Taqueria Cardonas. A random pick off the menu one day turned into what is fast becoming one of the major loves of my life.

    And this place makes it better than anywhere else I've had it (so far). Good horchata's as well. But unless you are drunk at 3 am, do take out.

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    Sandwiched between some great Mexican spots on Blue Island, and legendary taquerias like Los Comales 3 and Nuevo Leon, Cardonas is a great restaurant that holds its own. With a delectable assortment of fresh fruit drinks and Mexican-style milkshakes, Cardonas is one of the few places within a few blocks that offers us 24 hours of service.

    They have great tacos and chilaquiles, and always leave me with a smile on my face and some change in my wallet. There's often also deals, so pay some attention to the colorful signs in the windows, because they may not be on the menu.

    And like many Pilsen and Chicago taquerias, just because they serve you at the table doesn't mean they'll bring your check to your table. Scoot yourself up to the cash register when you're done and pay right there.

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    Cardonas serves a very helpful and specific purpose in my life: Drunk food in the middle of the night.

    They're good enough to get me through the morning and help my hangover subside, but it's not honestly somewhere I think about going when I'm sober.

    This doesn't really give anyone a good idea of the quality of food, but if you're in Pilsen and need something to eat before you end your wild night of debauchery, than hit up Cardonas. They're open late, I think 24 hours most of the time.

    If they jukebox is playing when you're in late and there's a small crowd of people, it will leave you with this amazing drunk surreal feeling. The Mexican soaps that are pretty much always playing on the tv provide some good distractions while you wait for you food.

    Maybe I'll go when I'm sober some time and update this review, but I honestly can't say I've ever been in there when not intoxicated.

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    I loved this place. I got the chicken tortas and a quesadilla. It was cheap, quick and tasted great. I will definitely go back.

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    24 hours, amaaazzziinnngg guacamole, great skirt steak, and good prices make this one of my favorite local spots.

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    Open 24 hour a day! That is the real highlight of Cardonas. The food is good, but not great. The service is ok. I suggest you stick with tacos and take them to-go. If you need food in Pilsen at 4 in the morning this is the place to go. The green salsa is great and the chicken tacos are the best menu option.

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    This is the place to go in pilsen at 4am, hands down! They may be the only 24 hour joint besides Mcdonalds but it is so worth it. Best guac in the city!

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    A nice place to swing by to grab a huarache de cesina de res. We stopped by and grabbed some food and some mango aquas frescas.

    First off, a large aqua fresca is a LARGE AGUA FRESCA. I could swim laps with my mango AF. It was very refreshing on the hot night, but I nearly needed a bathroom break before the huarache came out. The huarache was very tasty and actually very complex. The cesina de res was great. I wish that I could simply get a bowl of the cesina de res.

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    Sure, Taqueria Cardonas looks like a renovated Subway, but they have hands down the tastiest horchata around. Nopalitos are also really yummy here, and the cheese quesadillas come with a thoughtful touch of cilantro and onion in them. If you're looking for more ambiance and less delicious food, head up the block to Nuevo Leon.

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    I go to this place way more than I should, since I have been known to get a little case of the butt flu after eating here. However, when you're drunk at 3 am and you're hungry, you aren't really thinking about the fact that your rump may be screaming into the toilet the next day. Most of the food is pretty good, except for the chilaquiles, which suck. It's also cheap, so that's a plus. The salsas they give you along with whatever you order are fairly tasty.

    Cardona's is one of the best places around to get horchata though.

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    I lived about a block down from this joint and definitely one of the top things I miss about about living in Pilsen.  They have amazing tacos, burritos and gorditas and open 24 hours.  Not everything here is fried like a lot of the places in Pilsen.  Granted I never had this food during the day, but studies have shown that late night are when taste buds are at full activity.  The reason there aren't five stars is because the place is a bit shoddy yet the bargin basement prices makes up for the ambiance.  If ever in the neighborhood definitely hit it up.

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    Open 24 hours! Inexpensive and not overly greasy, great for late night.  Simple fast food booth interior with artifacts on the walls.

    After reading the other reviews, i have to add that I have never gotten sick from food I have eaten there.  

    I usually have steak tacos, or a burrito, chips and horchata.

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