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    One of the worst experiences I've had in 10 years of living in NYC.  This was billed as a free event and had so much potential. A huge line of patient, cooperative people were told the venue was at capacity and waited for HOURS to get in. However, the entire time we were standing there, make believe VIPs  steadily drifted past the line and were admitted with handshakes and backslaps.  This was a potentially great party that was mismanaged in the worst way. I finally came to my senses after asking a woman holding wristbands if there was any point in continuing to wait in the "regular" line. She rolled her eyes at me and acted confused about what I was asking while waving in a friend of hers that was just arriving.
    I understand that at any venue there will be people with connections, a list, friends of DJ's etc, but lying to the people that are patiently waiting and not letting ANY of them in for over 30 minutes at a time is foolish and unnecessary.

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