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    This is the type of place you wouldn't bring your wife or girlfriend to. They may be the only woman in the room with less than guys you would call "gentlemen". The bar looks like it is unfinished and constructed poorly. I'll give it to them that they can get you drunk fast and cheap, but there may be more to life than tall boys of bad beer and cheap shots. I hear the food is good but I am reluctant to eat a a place that feels dirty. I can only imagine the kitchen is not any better if this is the mess they let you see.

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  • 0

    Always a good time at O'Brien's.  Whether it's for an afternoon cocktail, a late night out, or a craving for some good pub grub, I'm always pleased. The patrons are pleasant and friendly, the juke box rocks, and the staff takes care of and appreciates their guests.  I've had a Christmas Pub Crawl for the past 3 years, and O'Briens is always our last stop.  They always take good care of us and welcome our large group.  They also seem to be very involved in the community, and in giving back.  When I moved here from NY a few years back, I was hoping to find  a 'local' spot like I did back home, and I would say that O'Briens is that place!

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  • 0

    Best food, service, bar staff, customers and ambiance in Palatine

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