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  • Takes Reservation

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    This is a small, cozy "neighborhood joint" which makes you feel good about supporting the little guy. Unfortunately they did not have Dr. Brown Black Cherry but they had some other knock-off brand. It was alright, not as good as Dr. Brown. I kind of wish someone had recognized me as a hero and removed this drink from my hand, referring to it as Panda Piss, and then giving me a real soda like Dr. Brown. So they lost a star for not having Dr. Brown, very explicitly they were at foursies before I even touched the food.

    I only mention the soda because that is the first thing you see in the refrigerators off to the side before you order your food. They have more than just pizza slices if you are adventurous. I am. Also you need to get above $10 if you want to use a credit card so unless you are a peasant that walks around with stacks of dollar bills, then you need to order a fair bit of food. Whatevs. I went with the large order of fries, my Black Cherry drink, and a full eggplant parmigiano sandwich. About $11. So I could use my credit card! But wait - they do not accept Discover. Goddammit! Now they lost another star before I have even tried the food.

    The food is actually quite good. The large fries is a big heaping, large order of fries instead of the gambit some places try to pull by giving you a supermodel's size helping of fries. This is a lot of fries. And they are salty and seasoned and there are no "reject" burned fries or other weird fail-fries. All are tasty. The only bad thing is that the ketchup holder seemed a bit dirty and I had to touch that thing and squeeze it. Bring Purel.

    The eggplant parmigiano sandwich is awesome. It rivals the best one I have ever had down the road in Philadelphia at Capriotti's, It is a lot of sauce so it is juicy, it is cheesy, it is hot when it gets put down in front of you, the bread is soft and doughy as it absorbs the sauce, and the eggplant is just delicious as it always is - relatively thin layer of fried breading and the eggplant itself sliced relatively thin and stacked high up in the bread so much some of it falls out along with the sauce and you get a first sample taste test of everything.

    I didn't take a single star off for food, it was that good. But places not taking Discover REALLY grinds my gears; as does not finding Dr. Brown but an inferior competitor in its place. That also grinds my gears to a lesser extent.

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    Typical pizzeria ~ a few booths if you'd like to eat in.  They make a good tasting pie & calzone, but wish they'd use fresh spinach instead of frozen-thawed.  Friendly staff.

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