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    Great local bar.  It's new and classy inside, despite being a casual bar.  Definitely has a sexier feel to it.  I hang out there probably once or twice a month.  Loads of TVs, good music, drinks aren't too expensive.  I just wish it was a little bit bigger in there.  And they need to fix that front door.

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    I've been here on more than one occasion but have never checked in or wrote a review.

    It's a pretty nice local bar. My boyfriend and I were on Monday (Labor Day) in the evening and it was EMPTY. We were literally the only 2 at the bar. Which, honestly, was a nice way to unwind after a hectic day.

    The bill came to $20 for 5 drinks which we figured was pretty good.

    I've never had their food so I can't comment on it. Like I said though, it's a nice local bar. It gets more lively on Thursday or Friday nights. Also, since it's football season I would expect Sunday and Mondays to be busy as well.

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    Its ok it gets louder as it gets later lol some cute guys though lol

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    I've been here twice on friday evening. They had $2 pints for domestics like Coors light, miller light, etc... The food is pretty good and pretty well priced. Lots of TVs but audio will always be the bar music. The crowd is pretty mixed, but generally on the younger side.

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