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    I was starving and the food wasn't even good, sigh!

    Landed in Dallas at 10 PM, knowing that there wouldn't be much open at that time of night, I decided to at the bar in the Four Seasons hotel. Maybe my expectations were a bit high? But I was so underwhelmed.

    Crab Cakes - It was over cooked, dry, and oily. The aioli was over salted.
    BBQ Beef Brisket Sandwich w/ Fries - The meet was cold, but yet the bun was toasted, the cheese was melted. How does that even happen? It was really a BBQ sauce mess. The meet was overly chewy and lack taste. The plethora of BBQ sauce was to mask the brisket? This was the first time I had to past on fries (unheard of), they were beyond over fried.

    The best thing about the night, was the free wasabi peas and blanched Moroccan Almonds.

    I came back another night, this time for a drink. At least they got one thing going for them. The drinks were consistent and pretty stiff.

    Then of course I got the munchies after a few drinks. I was pleasantly surprise the Truffle Fries were good! The flavors were right on and the fries were cooked perfectly. Maybe the truffle oil made them good or maybe the chef the previous night had an off night?

    Overall, the second night made up for the first night.  Also, they earn an A for great service.

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