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    Sure, it's a divey bar, and honestly there's really no reason to go here considering all of your other options, but this place has two redeeming qualities.  The first thing that saves this place is the karaoke.  Sure, the sound system kind of sucks, but it's something to do when you are in the mood for something a little different.  The second thing is, on Thursdays, you can get a huge steak and mashed potatoes and corn for $10.  You can't beat that!  They also offer chicken, salmon, and tuna, if red meat isn't your thang.

    Oh!  And the bathrooms are always clean.  Huzzah!

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    This is a perfect example of a Metry dive bar.

    A friend invited me to this bar one night for a drink. Little did I know I was in for some serious culture shock.

    As my GPS directed me to this residential area, I was concerned that I may be in the wrong place. I saw the sign and knew I wasn't, so I headed for the door, or what I thought was the door. I am used to businesses having an entrance in the front center. This entrance was on the side, as if I were entering a house.

    My drinking buddy was already at the bar, so I pulled up a stool and ordered an Abita. The beer was cold and only $3.25. The bartender was very friendly. i attributed this to the fact that she told me she had been drinking since two. Normally I frown upon drinking and working, but it worked for her.

    This bar has karaoke, but didn't have any Lil Wayne, B.G. or Juvenile. Because the Nola rap selection was lacking, i was unable to impress the crowd with my amazing rap skills. They did have P-Control by Prince, but even after listening to his version, I wasn't drunk enough to attempt it. Oh well, there is always next time.

    This bar had some awesome things going for it. Here are some examples:

    Behind the bar was a woman with a flat iron straightening her hair.

    An older gentleman with an amazing mullet.

    The bartender making it rain with napkins, then bending at the waist to pick them up all while shaking her moneymaker.

    A very cool conversation with a singer about the origins of the Edmund Fitzgerald melody.

    I want to rate this bar higher because of the awesome things going on, but I just cant. While I enjoyed it, this isn't the area I would normally go out.

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    The only reason I ever go here is for the Thursday and Sunday steak nights.  You HAVE to get here early as they sell out of steaks FAST!!!  They also have a pretty decent menu of other things (like tuna steak).  The steaks have always been tasty, fairly priced, and you receive your order pretty quickly.  The bartenders have always been nice and efficient.  The location is completely strange off in the middle of a combination of residential and weird office spaces not far from Lakeside Mall...only in Metairie could you find a spot like this.

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    Southern hospitality at its finest.  You get the feeling that they genuinely care about you. Cheap drink prices. The decor is outdated which gives you that "no one will find me here feeling" which is nice when you dont want to be found.;)

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