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    I wish I could give this place a zero. There needs to be an inspection done on this place. My mom and I chose this place for lunch and in the middle of our meal a ROACH.... yes you read right R-O-A-C-H ran across our TABLE... yes T-A-B-L-E.
    the most disgusting meal ever.  The manager comped the meal and killed the roach... at the table.

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    Food wasn't bad, but I had to write this review based on our waiter. The guy left the check on our table at the end of our meal.. When I had cash to pay, we handed it to him and asked us if we needed change. After we said no he just took it and walked away! No, thank you or nothing! Rudest waiter I've ever met.

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    I've eaten here twice just out of curiosity or desperation, and got diarrhea both times. Seriously.

    Even if it was just a typically mediocre Applebees rather than a downright bad one, why would anyone eat at a mall-parking-lot chain restaurant in Chicago where there are dozens of wonderful restaurants in any neighborhood, the majority of which are downright cheap. Fast food is one thing, sure, everyone needs a quick  cheap junk food fix once in a while, but I just don't understand why people would spend time and money at a place like this.

    Looking at the other reviews, it sounds like people just go here to drink frosty girl-drinks. Trust me, there are five restaurants within walking distance of this Applebees that make margaritas that would blow your mind. If only you people knew what you were missing.

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    So there's this great punk band from New York state called Acid Reflux and they have a song called "Oh good, there's an Applebee's!"  
    When I saw them a couple years back, before they played this song, the singer was like "hey, you guys like mangos?"
    and the audience was like "yeah."
    and he was like "mango fuck yourself.":
    Applebee's is barf.

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    ok so this is the other restaurant I must write about.  Now I'm gonna sound like an alchy here bc da only reason I come here is to drink, order appetizers and chat w/ one of my great friends. We always order the perfect margarita because it comes in the lil tin here you can at least get 2-3 servings out of one =)  Now as far as da food, Definitely agree not da greatest. We normally just order wings cheese sticks and whatever else. It's 4 da drinks they get 4 stars, Now I know other reviews complained about drinks not tastin well and its because  Adam or Augusto weren't working the bar, they KNOW how to make drinks. Augusto is da best at makin "new" drinks you've never heard of.  If u sit by da bar they are great ppl to talk 2 also.  If it wasn't 4 them honestly probably wouldn't b here every week. ha ha.

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    I've been here a couple times the first time the place was packed and the service was bad order came in an hour and a half , but we decided to come back and give it another chance. The service was great the next few times around, the food was good as the dessert and drinks were as well. Favorite drink strawberry lemonade, appetizers are what I come for mostly and the chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream is the best I've tasted so far.

    If you come to eat here I recommend to come for the drinks, appetizers and desserts.

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    OMG this place is horrible! Okay well maybe it's not that bad but it's definitely not good. I've been here several times and the food has always been less than mediocre.

    Tonight I went there and I ordered the Sangria. It was lousy! Watered down and no flavor (or liquor for that matter). I can see why it was only 4 bucks. I will say that on a previous visit I had a caramel apple martini that was excellent. One star.

    I ordered the fish and chips which was disgusting. The fish was so greasy! It makes my heart hurt just thinking about it. The saving grace of the meal tonight was the dessert. I had the Chimicheesecake. It was absolutely delicious. One star.

    The server started off pretty good but he gradually lost interest in us. He actually brought the check out before the dessert! AND the dessert wasn't even included in the bill. So when we tried to get his attention to alert him to this error he came over and said "Wuz up?" You should have seen the look on my face! lol

    Overall, this Applebee's sucks. The food is disgusting, the drinks and the service are hit or miss. I say you'd do better going to the KFC next door.

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    I usually try to avoid these types of places,but sometimes, the hubby really wants something from here(why, I don't really know,but I do indulge him once in a while). Very crowded and busy on a Friday night. Strike one-server too busy to get us water in a reasonable time. Strike two-server not working in a efficient manner,making several trips when,if properly planned,could save steps. Strike three-salad arrived drenched in wayyy too much dressing and me too hungry and tired of waiting to complain.I did however,love ,love ,love the Mango-Strawberry Margarita,and at $4,it was a bargain!! I might go back for some apps and cockies,on a less busy night. Our server was very nice and he did try very hard to keep up,so maybe it was an off night for him. I will try to be kinder.

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    I am highly impressed with the quality of Applebee's and I'll admit they're as good as their rivals (Chili's) Admittedly, I go to Chili's more, but Applebee's is quickly becoming another player for my monetary devotion. I've decided that taking friends to Applebee's is a pretty good choice for an evening outing; the food has been great the prices very reasonable. The service is super too as the staff is friendly, helpful and knowledgeable.

    Pros: Ample Choices, Good quality, Reasonable Prices, Parking
    Cons: none
    Cost: $$ of 5
    Overall Rating: 4.25 of 5
    Recommendation: Highly Recommended

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