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    So much fun dancing here! If you don't like a crowded place, don't come. This place is not for the faint of heart.: half naked men and loud music are standard here. Big place. It has an outdoor area that is nice if inside is too much for you.

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    All I heard was how great the DJ was for months before my first trip to P-town.  Well, the first night was a disaster.  The music was old disco, and a few 80's songs thrown in.  And then the killer, a horrible, washed up singer named France (I think that was her name).

    A few nights later, the music was better, but the crowd is nasty.  Very few hot guys, a ton of drunk knuckledraggers falling all over each other.  

    And the place needs a renovation.  It smells like piss.  The dancefloor is too small.  But the worst part was the drag show at the end of each night.  Way to kill an event.  For $10 I expect much more than ugly drunks, mediocre music, and pathetic drag queens.

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    The music ranged from terrible to borderline okay. I was in the mood to dance, but the dancefloor was too crowded and filled with drunk/drugged out people. Having three separate bars was a good way to avoid any particularly long lines, and a $6 well drink is fine by me. A vodka redbull was $11 though, and while I've seen some places do this, I can't stand it. At least they gave me the whole can since my drink basically had a splash of it.

    Almost got into a fight with a fellow customer who drunkenly fell on me on the way in/accosted my physically, and later found me on the dance floor and was inappropriate again. I understood throwing a punch meant I would need to leave immediately, but didn't consider that a negative consequence because I wasn't enjoying myself too much.

    It was technically still the off-season so I can understand my choices were limited, but I wasn't a huge fan.

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    I came on the off-season and in the early evening, so there were mostly locals inside and it wasn't crowded. Expect no frills. They don't even have cherries, so their mixed drinks selection is limited. With that said, the bartender gave me a hefty tall cup of Baileys on the rocks instead. So I sipped my Baileys and fell in love with all of the bottles, oars and other nautical objects that look like they're for whaling that adorn the bar. Upstairs later I suppose they have gay porn, but it was locked up when I was there. Anyway, a cool dark place to catch up with friends over a drink and clearly a place to make new friends later in the evening.

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    Great bar.  Yes, it is a bit seedy, but that is the point.

    Was visiting P-town over Labor Day weekend and went to the Macho Bar with some friends.  The bar is upstairs and fairly small.  There are quite a few screens showing porn which is always fun/funny.  The drinks were nice and strong and reasonably priced.  The best part about Macho Bar?  No cover.  Call me cheap, but I refuse to pay a cover to listen to someone who plugs his iPod into a set of speakers.  Plus, I do not dance.   The Macho Bar was exactly what a gay bar should be: dark, seedy, and sexual.  A mixed crowd, too, which always helps.  Saw preppy guys, guys in t-shirts, shorts, jeans, and a few leather guys.  

    If you want a low key bar where you can actually converse with guys, this is the place.

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    Why isn't Macho Bar called "The Eagle"? Now, Macho Bar only gets two stars because it's not my scene. If I were a leather bear or a bear chaser, this would probably be my speed. But I'm not and I've never felt more like chicken than I did here with all the chicken hawks circling.

    Super strong drinks, but way overcrowded and hot. Dangerous decor (hack saws on the walls of the stairs...other tools.

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    This upstairs bar of the A-House complex is complete:  good drinks, hot fkr bartenders, adult films.  Best dirrrrty bar in Ptown.

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    This was a smaller version of the Eagle, but fun nonetheless. Great music and some very attractive people. Strong drinks, nice bartenders, big screen televisions playing hardcore porn... Fun times, all around. It is a fun break from the A-House club next door.

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    Having visited P-Town during Women's Week for Jenna C's birthday, I found myself escaping to this gay bar for a short while--and thank goodness the men were there to report.

    A small little bar attached to one of Provincetown's most popular gay dance clubs, this place is great for drinks & mingling with friends or strangers.

    Take a seat at the bar but be aware, the stools are old and quite loose--I may or may not have looked like an ass hat when I attempted to plop down. The bartender is quick to serve and happy to dish the sauce. The men are friendly (Oh yeah, we've left Boston) and are more than happy to strike up a conversation.

    The bar is dimly lit and resembles that of an old colonial house or barn. The bathroom doors mimic an outhouse and yet there is video poker lurking off in the corner--makes sense, right?

    I loved this place. I needed beer. I needed to be around men. For a moment I thought I was a straight dude hittin' up my local sports pub on game day.

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    The A House Macho Bar is a fun smaller alternative to the big A House Dance Club next door. This small bar is a pub, with a leather/ levi feel to it. I love the old salted flavor to this bar. The old nautical decorations, and old bottles that hang from the bar and ceiling beams. It even has a real fire place to get warm in the winter.
    This bar is open during the day and the upstairs "macho Bar" is open at nightly which gets a bit  fun &  frisky.

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