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    I have a love-hate relationship with Axis.. but leaning towards hate.

    I always go for their room packages which is about $200 plus tip for a karaoke room, a bottle, two food items and juices/sodas to mix with. Axis used to be popular, but over the years, I really don't know what happened.. It's really sad how empty the place can be on a weekend.

    Their friendly service and my unconditional love for drunk singing is what keeps me coming back. and their cornflake chicken! I would love to find a cheaper and more lively karaoke bar in flushing though..

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    The food here is to die for. The other stuff, don't bother. It's usually filled with crack heads, and drunkards. Perfect time to go enjoy the food is during the weekdays, when no one is screaming, under aged, or inebriated beyond belief and there are no kids bailing on the bill and running out the back door creating commotion for the rest of the residential block. On the pack nights, it better to get a private room. I would highly recommend the chicken wings, spicy seafood noodles platter, and french fries. Their flavored sojus are good because they come with real fruits. I go here just to eat, if you are looking for a lounge or to drink, you really could just go anywhere else..

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    Love the food... Great service... Cozy atmosphere... Nice place to relax and unwind!

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    Haven't been to Axis in a long time and I still hear its the same. The usual hang out for young hangouts who don't want to venture into the city. A lot of the bars are predominantly Korean so most of the crowd fits that. I remembered the service being pretty good and they have private K-TV rooms. I do remember a lot of young punks roaming around though, but that's the price you pay for coming to a place like this. ahhh....memories....


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    The one thing this place offers that many of its neighbors don't is a wider variety of Western drinks. Many of the other Korean Flushing establishments limit their selection to just light [colored] beer and korean alcohols like soju, makguli, etc. This place actually has a somewhat decent bar which is why the local 2nd gen Korean-Americans come here when they don't want to venture out into the city.

    The food here is quite good also, but sometimes I wonder if the staff is as inebriated as I am. For instance:
    Me: "Can you recommend something on the menu that doesn't have meat in it?"
    Waiter: "The steak is good.."
    Me: "That's meat.."
    Waiter: "Then the chicken..."

    Anyway, we ended up getting some kind of seafood stir-fry that was pretty darn good.....

    I kind of try to avoid this place at all costs mostly because I try to avoid certain people who are apparently regulars here. But the last time I came here, my guy friends were attempting to escort the remaining party of a bunch of out-of-town girls they met at Shik Gaek to find their missing friends they heard were going to Axis. In the end, we lost the girls walking to Axis (no doubt they couldn't keep up with the pace of the NY walk) and hung out till the lights came on-- which, of course, surprised us and awoke us from our sleepy stupor.

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    Why do I consistently come here? I have three reasons.

    1) Impeccable service
    2) Outstanding fusion-style food
    3) Cozy atmosphere

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    Once you go past Main St in Flushing, you will see a strip of several korean shops from restaurants to retail stores and BARS!  Axis has been around for quite some time and all the waiters and bartenders treat you like family once you get acquainted.  It is predominately KOREAN so unless you have any discomfort being around HanGook in's, it's a very homey spot.  Food is a 4/5 but the service is 5/5 due to the sincerity of all the workers. Entertaining to see drunk fools roaming around

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