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    I don't understand the negative reviews here. I have been to Bar Bar both visits to Savannah and it is a lot of fun.  Plastered dollar bills, different rooms to suit any mood, pool tables and friendly staff.  We were quickly served, even on the draw up to St. Paddy's day chaos in Savannah.  I'll visit again.

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    I'm gonna give this 4 stars because it actually made me nostalgic for college just setting foot in there. It was disgusting, dirty, the guys around the bar were ogling around the bartenders, the bartenders weren't really wearing any clothes, and now officially in my late 20s, I was not interested in touching the bar.

    BUT, we got 4 beers for 10 bucks and I kind of missed being a carefree 19 year old surrounded by all that scuzzy stuff for a minute there, and that was enough. Luckily I got my beer in a to-go cup to drink on the street upstairs (god bless you, Savannah) and had I stayed there a minute longer probably would have been too grossed out to even write a review :)

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    This place has gone down hill. I have to buy a drink in order to play pool. I'm not a heavy drinker so i order coke. They told me i have to order alcohol to play pool. And there is a $10 minimum on drinks. lol I use to play pool for free. i don't know what happen but this place has become a social decline.

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    In A Nutshell:

    *Oh man, what a night.
    *Ordered several shots of Tequila, can't remember much else!

    Overall, I'd come back again if visit lovely Savannah, GA!

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    The bar temporarily charges 50 bucks to. Cards from the get go and isn't kind enough to warn you of it, and they took my ID when I rented a pool stick and forgot to give it back to me, had to wait around till the next afternoon to go deal with their shenanigans

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    Someone needs to shoot the DJ at this place.  This place has potential.  It has the basement party look but the music has to be a whole lot better.  Drinks are pretty cheap in price.  It is a place you want to get shitfaced before you go to the main spot. It can be easily missed if you don't notice people down the stairs.  The bartending does suck in there and doesn't have a grip on the operations of the customers.  

    Grade: C

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    Tried twice and both times we weren't impressed. Bartenders were disinterested and the atmosphere was a just poor. Such a waste

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    Bar Bar suck sucks. The aging fraternity/sorority crowd sucks. The bartenders suck. The doormen who take their jobs way too seriously (and also apparently enforce a new "no hats policy" because I guess Bar Bar is now classy or something?) suck.

    But, if you get there early, you can play some of their wide stock of board games or shoot some pool while downing $1 PBRs on draft--a good way to start your night, but not good enough a reason to stay there for more than an hour.

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    Smoke-filled, cheesy music, crowded.   Frat party atmosphere.  Not my thing AT ALL.   I only lasted a half hour.

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    There's a reason this place has a long line to get in, get a drink, and use the bathroom. This place is fun! There is something for everyone here. Want to dance? Head to the back room. Don't want to dance? Stay in the front and play free pool, fuseball, or board games. Who doesn't love drunken Pictionary? The bartenders are quick and on point, but yeah, a lot of people want to drink! Order doubles or pitchers of beer. Find the cocktail waitress and tip obscenely heavy your first round. You won't be waiting for drinks.
    Arrive early, bring lots of cash, don't whine. You'll have a great time!

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    I don't know why anyone would ever go to bar bar. Just to get in, you have to stand in a lame line. Guys can't wear hats. If you want a drink, you should've thought about that 15 minutes ago, because it takes 30 minutes to get one at the bar. There is nothing but riff raff that goes here. I think that Georgias finest trash goes here. The two times that I have gone here, I felt that I should wear a body condom to keep from getting herpes from the riff raff bump grinding all over the place. Last but not least, this place is under the ground. As in basement. Who goes to something under ground?

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    The Bar-Bar is kind of obnoxious on the weekends, so I usually try to stay away. Like everyone else said: too long of lines, they make you get rid of drinks coming in, etc etc. There are so many other places to go in this area, it seems like a waste to spend it at this mediocre establishment.

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    I have a love-hate relationship with Bar Bar.  I love that there are seperate rooms depending on what your in the mood for.  Board games (I'm never in the mood for board games when I'm drinking, but if you are they're available), the middle section for a general bar atmosphere, and the back room for sweaty grinding with random people.  I hate that they always make me throw my drink away before I come in, most other bars don't do that.  Overall, this isn't my favorite place to go on the weekends but I don't complain much if my posse wants to hang out here.

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    Although the staff is friendly, I've never been a fan of the atmosphere at Bar Bar.  I'm not a fan of the uber-popular bars with long lines both to get in and to get a drink.  During peak hours, it's often crowded to the point that it's impossible to find a place to sit.

    On the nights that it's not that busy, it's actually a decent place to converse with friends.  Fortunately for the bar, and unfortunately for me, it's usually pretty busy.

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    We must have gotten there early.  There was no line when we came in, but a huge line when we left.  Anyway, I like to see two police officers standing by the entrance.  Keeps the crowd under control.  There was lots of beautiful people.  The drinks were fairly priced.  The female bartender made my drinks stronger than the guy did...I like her.  There were some comfy couches to sit on, although I feel like I may have picked up syphilis from it.  It's a cool place.  There's a lot going on there.  Bring cash.

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    I loved the bar bar.  On my trip from Los Angeles, a local friend of mine took me here after meeting him the night before.  It was wonderful.  He said this was his favorite bar, and I can see why.  

    Congrary to other negaitive reviews, I did not experience any frat boys or military holes as in other reviews.  Both times I went (Weds and Thursday), there was not a long wait for drinks, the bartenders were soooo nice and friendly, my drinks were good, happy hour had great deals.  I even met other local people there who were also friendly.

    I would definitly go again and again.

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    Bar Bar has cool bartenders but it takes forever to get a drink, and i mean forever. There are like a million frat boys and military a Holes that are constantly eye- fuc&ing you....and on top of that- the music SUCKS! But you can find out for yourself- cause maybe you like that crowd? The cool thing about Bar Bar is the foosball table and the pool tables in the front.

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    This bar should get minus stars.I remember making jokes about the Bar Bar when i lived in Savannah with my friends.I actually use the words "Bar Bar" as a reference to a bar that sucks cock in a major way.It is that bad.

    If you like waiting 45 minutes for a drink, and 30 to take a piss then this is the bar for you.They play the same overused and cliche top 40 music.The crowd is like a douchebag/skank convention.If you are a girl that likes frat boys and military guys grabbing your crotch, uninvited,  then this is the place for you.Some of my worst memories of Savannah are from this bar.

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    The Bar Bar is an awesome bar. Maybe thats why they had  to emphasize bar twice Lol! Because it definitely ranks up there when it comes to Savannah bars. I always use to go on the weekends( friday/saturday) when I was in savannah.

    It always seems like the grown and sexy are there on the weekends. The best part about this whole experience is that the price of admission is free. The Bar Bar also has a dance area so you can get your groove on.

    Expect it to be packed on the weekends, and in  my experience it has always taken just a tad bit long to get a drink. All in all if I'm in Savannah and want a nice bar with a dance floor full of beautiful people, I'm making my way to The Bar Bar.

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    The Bar Bar in Savannah was definitely one of my favorite bars in the city.  The bartenders seem to always be having a great time working, which can be contagious to the large crowds that usually hang out here.  

    The best part about the Bar Bar is the various froms of entertainment that it offers.  Their is an assortment of games available for customers to play that makes the whole experience twice as much fun as any other normal bar.

    My personal favorite entertainment attractions here were the foosball tables and the drinking monopoly game.  The bartenders altered everyones childhood board game Monopoly so that drinking could be incorported, which can really make you lose track of which properties you own.  

    If you are going to visit any single bar in Savannah, make sure that you put The Bar Bar on the top of your list of consideration.  I can pretty much guarantee that you will have a great time.

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    We stumbled upon this little gem of a bar on the trip down to Daytona Beach for Spring Break a few years ago.

    If you like drinking and connect four, this is the place for you!  The main draw of this place was that there were tons of games that you could play while getting blotto.

    And who doesn't love sticky beer covered Monopoly pieces?  I call the shoe!

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