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    I love the Beacon. Always nice to bring people too and always have a great beer selection. Particularly a great spot when the weather warms up and you can hangout on the patio. Along with the great selection, their prices are good. Everyday they have a solid special which makes it worth the walk

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    Total dive, awesome beer selection and definitely will go back.  I was only here for a quick beer but I could imagine spending a night of boozing here without breaking the bank while having the chance to interact with colorful regulars.  

    My only complaint was the strong smell of cleaning solution, smelled like they had just wiped down every surface with Pine-Sol and I left with a little bit of a headache.

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    I'm a huge, huge fan of dive bars. I can't explain it, but I'll take a dive bar over a pretentious, loud, trendy bar any day of the week. Maybe it's the cheap beer? Either way I really like this joint. I've been here twice, both times with friends and both times intentionally meaning for it to kick-start the rest of the night. The first night we actually ended up staying here all night and had a great time chatting, laughing, and enjoying the drinks. The second time this bar was our starting point for a myriad of other bars we pardoned that night (this was my favorite of them all!).

    There's something special about this place that I can't quite put my finger on. I love that it's never crowded and that everyone at the bar seems to be a regular, or just some Joe Schmo who's just there to enjoy the beer and mind his business. I like that there's not creepy old men hitting on all the girls in the bar (not that there are many girls to hit on, it's only ever really just been my friends and I whenever I'm in) and I like that the dark bar and the decor lend to the ambiance of all that is truly a dive bar.

    If I remember correctly, the PBR here is $3. This alone would keep me coming back time and again.

    This isn't the bar you go to on a first date. It's the bar you go to when you realize you really like the guy and are comfortable enough around him to throw on jeans and a t-shirt and throw back a few PBRs while chatting mindlessly about...whatever.

    And the bartender? Not pushy, overbearing, or eager. Just how I like it.

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