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    Walking into the bar is like walking back to the twenties. The decor is very old and the place has the hole in the wall vibe. Not to mention terrible lighting. The tables have those old, durable picnic table table clothes, you know the red and blue kind. They have a fish tank but I'm not sure if the fish are still alive because the light was not on and I did not see anything moving. They serve all their food on styrofoam plates, which can be small and a little annoying.

    For food, we ordered the Armadillo Eggs, which are jalapeno peppers stuff with cheese and fried. They give you a side of BBQ sauce to dip them in, they were nothing spectacular. As for the burger, I ordered the Royal Burger which comes with bacon and cheddar cheese. I ordered it medium but the burger seemed a little too dry for my taste. Most places when I order it medium, it's still very juicy but this place reminded me of cooking burgers on the grill. The fries were basic steak fries.

    It is a pretty quiet place as well, seeing as how there was a lot of old people in there. It seems like a decent place to grab a beer and burger if you want to be low key. I'll probably be back because my friend loves this place. If you like a dive bar, this place is as dive as it gets.

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    I've put off reviewing this because I really want to like this place...and I do like the place for a casual beer-the staff is great but the 3 times ice eaten there-fail. I had a burger the first time - it was so dry and over cooked-almost tasted like it had been cooked earlier and then recooked but had that awful char taste (not the good char taste). My bf however LOVED his burger so I just chalked it up to bad luck. Second try same for me -burger wasn't good/bf was excellent. Third try I tried wings - they were ok. Some reviewers suggest ordering burgers one level rawer than you like it - I 100% agree. We will probably go again because it is a cool dive bar but it isn't my first choice for a burger.

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    Until recently, I had lived my entire life only a few minutes from this place in one direction or another, and never tried it. Spent many a night running up and down Madison, but never went a few blocks north.

    Until yesterday.
    I had the Roquefort Goldyburger.  Pretty good; the praise for the burgers here is well-deserved. I was happy as a clam washing it down with my $4 Corona special while a soundtrack played that would have put SXSW to shame.

    However, this place is not for everyone. It's OLD. It's been in business since 1926 and looks like it was last updated in 1956. I'm cool with character and authenticity, but some others may not be ok with Styrofoam plates.

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