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    As my new favorite burger joint, I have to say that everything at BSB was spot on with everything.

    I got introduced to this place a little while back and enjoyed a Blue Star Burger on a 7-grain bun with a basket of Blue Star Fries. First off, the presentation of the plate was very clean and simple, and the burger itself was very well-built and tasty without being overwhelming. I was surprisingly pleased by their quirky twist on the average batch of fries--they were coated with sea salt and herbs, which gave them a unique and fresh flavor.

    The service was beyond friendly; the man behind the counter was very attentive and accommodating and really helped elevate my experience here. The staff made me feel comfortable and welcome, which is not something I usually experience at most burger joints.

    *Just as a quick side-note, I really dug the decor too. I liked the whole cool blue theme with the bricks and wood and stuff like that.

    I look forward to eating through the rest of the menu and recommending BSB to all of my friends.

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    I have to give an update as I stopped by again...  they really have good burgers and accepted my coupon without hesitation.   I liked the Bluestar burger!

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    I was super excited when I heard that there was going to be a burger joint in Tenafly. Unfortunately, I was very disappointed. Maybe it was because I came when they just opened? First things first - ordering. It's very difficult to read the menu unless you are an 8 year old and under 4 feet tall. I was slouching and squinting while ordering... Not pleasant. Now, the food. I ordered a wow burger and it was mediocre at best. The cheese was cold and the bread was hardly heated as well. The burger was dry and tasteless and overall just not good. The cheese fries were very soggy and bland.

    I hate giving this place a bad review but I was really unsatisfied. Sigh.

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    I had the pleasure of eating at BSB several times, trying new dishes every time. I can't think of anything wrong in their food or service. Burgers are juicy, and so fresh it makes such a difference in taste.

    I also had their fried pickles and fried mushrooms, they were crispy and spicy. A great compliment to the flavors of the burgers. Their sweet potato fries with the house spice blend was different and gave a whole new flavor to french fries.  

    I would recommend it to anyone.

    Good job Blue Star Burgers!

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    Best burger place by far in the North Bergen area in my personal opinion. So many different options and choices to make your burger whether you all about the ground meat or a vegetarian. The fries are abundant and cooked with a herb seasoning and can be served multiple ways as well. Staff is hospitable and if you are hesitant about this place being amazing, they have no problem trying to show you that they are.

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    The WOW burger, truly amazing! Two grilled cheese sandwiches with a patty in between. Absolutely magnificent.

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