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    While visiting the Shedd Aquarium, my friend and I felt our stomachs rumbling. With the rain coming down pretty hard outside, heading out of the aquarium for lunch was out of the question. He planned ahead and packed a lunch; me, well not so much. So I wandered over to the café to grab something for lunch.

    Unfortunately, the more formal sit-down restaurant was closed, so I was left eating in the cafeteria.

    The menu featured the usual suspects when it comes to food court fare--pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs. I was tempted to indulge my trashy appetite for fried chicken and order chicken strips, but the long line (thankfully) forced me to choose an alternative.

    I wound up ordering mac and cheese, and a cup of soup--butternut squash. Both tasted like something I'd get from the grocery store and nuke in a microwave--probably to better results.

    The mac and cheese was gloopy, with neon orange cheese that wasn't very flavorful. The butternut squash soup was heavy and didn't have much flavor either. I wound up nibbling on both, then tossing them away. Bummer too, considering lunch here didn't come cheap.

    If you're in a pinch, I guess the cafeteria will do, but next time, I'll brave the weather outside for lunch instead.

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