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    Had the veggie omelet. Didn't taste like anything. Had to add salt and ketchup

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    The waitress asks if we'd like a cinnamon roll fresh from the oven....such a silly question!I told my husband we could share one!I crack myself up!

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    The food and service was laugh out Loud bad. It's a please seat your self establishment, so I did and about 10-15 mins later my server showed up. Now it was kind of busy as there were about 6 other tables and one 40 year old server way over her job. I was ready to order when she got there. Figured I'd go something simply that they can't mess up. Chicken strip dinner /w gravy, side salad and a glass of water. The food and water all came a once. Gravy was flavorless, chicken strips smaller then a new born baby's foot, and more soggy fries then a dog could eat. Never any check back as well as all the free kitchen drama u can stand. The meal was like 15.50. I left a 20 and ran in fear of being caught here any longer.

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    Buddy's seems wildly popular with Eugene's senior population. I'm not sure I've ever seen a customer (or employee) who's not retirement age or older. But I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of Buddy's. My husband loves to go, for some inexplicable reason. Perhaps it's the whole nostalgia-diner atmosphere that he likes, or the old fashioned American fare. For me, the quality just isn't there.

    Admittedly, I usually only get a plain grilled cheese sandwich with a milkshake, and it's okay, but nothing special. The rest of the menu doesn't appeal to me, it's fairly simple and limited, and I'm not a burger person. I did try the scrambled eggs once, but found them a little watery and fake-egg like. Not good, not good at all.

    Perhaps I'll try something difference at Buddy's next time, but as it stands, I wouldn't recommend this diner unless you love 'old-time' diners. (even then, go to Addi's in Springfield)

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    The food was mediocre, but my friends and I were made to feel unwelcome, and if we weren't overcharged then they ask too much for too little. This place makes me miss Deb's.

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    I love diners!!! i don't know what it is about them but i rather go to a small dinner than a big chain restaurant.....

    i got there about 8am and the place was packed so i found a spot up at the counter and the people there were very nice. i ordered eggs benedict and it was not the best i ever had but it was still very good and for the place being full i got it fast.

    is it the best eggs benedict in Eugene? no but it was still very good

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    Buddy's is a great place to stop in & grab a bite to eat. It's not just one thing that makes this place great. OK, the food is mediocre, but the decor & constant flow of regulars (old timers) coming in & out make for an interesting meal.  I like to stop in for breakfast & the server is real nice & knows all the regulars. I love that they offer flavored creamer too.  The burgers are nice & greasy & the shakes are amazing. The kids baskets come in these cool cardboard car baskets that the kids get to keep. It's a nice touch & adds to the kick ass 50's theme.

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    I've seen this lil Diner for years, never made it here till last Friday.  I wanted to get Biscuits and Gravy for breakfast, and since this was close by, I thought what the hell!  The Diner is cool, themed just like a 50's style Diner would be, which is one of the stars in my rating.

    It didn't take long for my food, then again its B&G. They never take too long considering a pot of gravy and some biscuits that need a lil love are always on hand. I found the portion size to be great, the Biscuits were large, fluffy, not flakey...and the Gravy was Z z Z z Zz borring.

    Gravy is to Biscuits : Air is to Breathing    ***Let this be known***

    A simple country gravy and a simple biscuit will lead to a simple dish.  I really think they needed to use a sausage gravy, or do something else with what they have so there's a little bit more dimension to it.  If you fail the gravy, you fail the B&G.

    Service was the other star, everyone working was in a good mood and being friendly.  I just cant award anymore stars to Buddy's until I try something that blows me away, and I have a funny feeling I wont be giving them another shot....I mean damn, you failed the B&G....a rather simple breakfast fave.  Dont know if I want to brave anything else.

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    I love Buddy's Diner.  The Kitsch decor is cool too but the Philly Cheese Sandwiches are the best I've eaten -- including the ones in Philly when I was stationed in Jersey!  Combine it with the ol-timey handmade milkshakes served in the stainless steel mixing container and it doesn't get any better.

    When I'm in Eugene, I always try to stop by here and if I have company, I definitely turn them on to it as well.  

    My girlfriend and I recently had the philly cheesesteak and split one.  We were stuffed.  The service was great, no complaint about splitting the meal and they even served it with two plates, two sets of silver and the shake in two separate malt glasses at no extra charge!

    I would have given this a 5 star rating but I've never given one of those yet so 4 is the best there is for me so far.

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    I love 50's diners. It's like I was there in the 50's with out the racism and fear of commies. All American good eats with the wholesome theme of the 50's. Love hitting the jukebox and getting a chili burger. In the 50's a chili burger was still healthy.

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    I've never been to Buddy's for dinner, but if they do dinner like the do breakfast and lunch then I'm sure it's satisfactory!  I've never left this place without being put in a food coma immediately afterward, so I can honestly say that if you're going here be prepared for food that'll fill you up and sit heavy.  Buddy's is a 50's style diner: checkered walls, red '57 chevy hood sticking out of the wall, and a number of photos of musicians from back in the day.  Usually there's lots of old timers and regulars, I rarely see college kids as part of the clientele, hence the very old skool feel to the place.

    Breakfast and lunch dishes are delicious and very hearty.  Thankfully their eggs are never cooked dry (like a lot of breakfast joints I know), they're cooked a little moister than most, which helps enhance the flavor of whatever they add to it.  Buddy's country gravy is a little on the blah side, but their chicken fried steak rocks so much savory flavor that you overlook the sauce.  Also the bread that they use for their sandwiches is homemade and tastes like a slice of heaven IF you catch it fresh from the oven, otherwise, it sinks to just above mediocre.  Overall, their food isn't really something so new and jaw-dropping that you'd write home about it, but they do serve food that'll make your eyes-roll back and move you to sigh in fatty contentment.  

    Service-wise, I assume since their clientele is of the older generation service is not usually ever fast-paced.  I agree that the wait staff does mosey around at their own pace, but they're pleasant and friendly people.  I've never waited more than about 8 minutes for service.  So that's not all that bad in my book.  Goooooooood food, pleasant and friendly service, and nothing to complain about, I give this place 4 stars.

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    I will try to revive the love for Buddys!

    Buddys is a 50s cafe, offering the typical spread of burgers, shakes, fries, and other diner style favorites, like meat loaf.

    They serve breakfast as well, but good luck getting seating - its cheap, greasy, and tasty... very popular with the 50+ crowd from what I could tell when I ate there for breakfast. Good coffee though!

    I love the burgers. They make their own buns there - you can choose between white and whole wheat. They're always fresh and fluffy. The burger patties are big - hand pressed and fried in the 'diner style' which somehow imparts a certain quality to them....

    The fries are good, but they're just fries.

    The shakes are awesome. You get your shake, and whatevers left in the mixing cup. They have a very wide range of flavors available - and will let you mix them if you ask nice... Strawberry banana? :)

    They have on their menu, a Classic Combo for 8.95 or thereabouts. Its the regular burger, fries, and milkshake, which makes it a great value. You can add cheese for like 50 cents, and they have several kinds to choose from.

    My service has never been slow. Ever. I have had to ask for my ranch sauce a few times before, but generally that is right at dinner time and it is fairly busy.

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    Out of hunger induced delrium, I recently  stopped to eat at this diner. I suppose I should've known it was only going to be "ok" since there was clearly a hughe 50's kitsch going on. In my opinion if you try that hard with the decor, your food lacks luster.
    My mom and I shared a burger and onion rings. They were the run of the mill and nothing to write home about. I just wasn't impressed. Despite the fact that we were one of the few people in the place, the food took forever.
    I had to remind the waitress twice about bringing condiments, oy.  Seriously, it's that hard to remember ketchup?
    I'd say keep driving right by buddy's and look for another place with kitsch if that is what you crave. If it's mediocore food, than this is your place..not mine!

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    A BIG thumbs down for the service.  I waited and waited for my friend and I to be served despite being one of only two parties in the place.  When I asked for cocktail sauce for my seafood, I was told they had none but that I could make some myself instead of simply making some up for me.

    Since this place serves Bush Beef instead of Oregon Country Beef or Knee Deep Cattle Company Beef, all of which are not going to give you Mad Cow, I won't go there for a burger, that's for sure!

    Take note Buddy, I won't be eating there ever again but my badmouthing of your place will go on for as long as I am alive.  My friend also feels the same way.  This is what you get for messin' with the Big Red's driver and his buddy!

    Lousy service with lazy attitudes and bad beef, need I say more?

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    The burgers here should be called "gut bombs" but they're really good. When I worked in Eugene we used go here for lunch, which probably wasn't the best idea since we ended up with food comas in the afternoon.

    The burgers are good, super filling and super greasy. The milkshakes are great too...

    ....all in all this place is a good diner but let's just say it's not the "healthiest" food.

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