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    Stopped in on a Thursday evening for a couple of drinks.  They had a great beer selection, both bottled and on tap.  We were a little disappointed in the wine selection as it is categorized as a wine bar.  We didn't try any of the specialty drinks, but we watched the bartender make them for the table next to us who ordered quite a few.  It was a comfortable place to spend some time drinking and socializing.

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  • 0

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this bar.
    It's a new bar in the Haymarket above the NZone.  
    It has exposed brick and a huge open window in front.
    When I'm in here...it doesn't feel like I'm in Lincoln, Nebraska.
    It's a pretty small bar but I've always been able to eventually find a seat.
    I'm not much of a brave drinker...so I can't say much about their specialty drinks.
    But I love the location and the atmosphere.

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