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    Illegal Dumping Restaurant.

    I live down the block from this restaurant. The food is nothing to write home about. But I would like to share with Yelp one of this restaurants nasty little habits.

    Whenever they feel like it, they roll out a large container (55 gallon drum sized) of water containing fish guts or fish waste products.

    Rather than walk this container the extra 50 feet to the sewer, they just unceremoniously dump it in the middle of the alley. It runs northward and depending on the volume of water, it usually makes it all the way to Granville.

    The stench is unbearable. My sympathies to my neighbors at that end of the block who have to put up with this. It is one of the most disgusting smells I've ever smelled.

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    I love chinese take out. It just has to be greasy and salty to make me happy. With that said, this place is pretty disappointing.

    Food is bland and dry. Found random pieces of bone/weird stuff in my chicken fried rice.

    It was my first time ordering from there and I think I'm going to look elsewhere.

    I miss Eat First.

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    Am I eating the same food that these other reviewers are having? Because my experience was far different. My boyfriend and I ordered a lot of food late at night, hoping to have yummy leftovers for a few days.  Here's what happened:

    Delivery: Took forever- well over an hour

    Crab Rangoon: Good filling, too much dough and too greasy, even for fried food

    Egg rolls: Literally the worst I have ever had.  Tasted weirdly peanuty, and the "meat" inside was cat-foody and like, pureed.  Very very gross.

    House fried rice: Fine.  Kinda bland, but fine.

    Mongolian beef: Veggies were poorly cleaned/cut (but i did appreciate that they existed), meat was of very poor quality, and the sauce was goopy and overly sweet.

    Kung Pao Chicken: Too too sweet, once again veggies were cut very poorly (like, 2 inch hunks of celery), and it was wayyyyy too greasy.

    Fortune Cookies: There were none. Rude.

    Needless to say, I won't be gracing China Dragon with my business anytime soon, or ever.

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