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    stumbled into this bar one night on my vacation to El Paso from L.A. i LOVED it. friendly atmosphere and chic decor!! the empty baroque fountain in the middle of the bar w/ the table top and fake plant sitting on top confused me at first...but then i realized it was an artistic statement and created more room to sit your drinks on. after two drinks, i realized i had to take a trip to the bano. i was a little shocked when i walked into a bucket sitting on the floor...but realized this was the bar's way of conserving water (how GREEN of them!)  i'm just kidding about this last part, but it is definitely not that far from the truth.  all in all, this is an el paso staple and a MUST see!!!!!!!

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    I love Chiquitas, sometimes. Well the majority of the time! I love a bartender named Mark, he is my alltime favorite bartender. Not only that, but man can he fill out his jeans! He has the most beautiful smile and did I mention beautiful smile?

    The drinks are fabulous, if your on a mission, you will find what you want at Chiquitas. The place, needs a facelift. I mean, I know that we spend a lot so why hasnt it been updated? The Briar Patch is doing fine with their constituents monies, why couldnt chiquitas do the same? It would be nive to have pride square be the pride of the gay community. Lips is the new kid on the block and I think they are well on their way. SO STEP IT UP CHIQUIS!!!

    They have a good selection of alchol, and itsat a good price. they have a jukebox (always a good thing), pool table, they dont have a patio booooo, and the parking is not fun.

    The owner is a hoot, I love him!!!

    There is a Holiday Inn Express across the street, just in case you drink too much and need a place to crash (if you dont spend your whole pay check!) they their is Amigo Bail Bonds in case you need them (LMFAO). Behind the bar is a great restaraunt Pot-A-Few! GREAT EATS!!! So as you can see Chiquis is agood place to be and is surrounded by great businesses. You should go and tell us about your experiance!

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    Chiquitas is a great place to be when your looking for a good place to drink. The staff is super friendly as well as the regulars that go there. The upholstery on the seats are not in the best condition however the drinks are affordable, the bartenders will make whatever you want although the last time i was there they were all out of sweet sweet vermouth.  I recommend trying this place out!

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