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    I like Circle Inn. It's not like the pretentiousness that keeps crowding into many of the FP bars. It's just a place to go, relax and have some drinks with some friends. Becky is my fav bartender here. I usually go when she's working; haven't met Lou.

    It's nowhere near the diviest dive I've ever been to. But the beer is cheap and you can wear whatever without being judged. They've got $5 pizzas, or you can order some food from Goldy's down the block and bring it in. They do kick out the riff raff out that wanders in off of Harlem - I've seen it happen.

    They've got a jukebox, and often have live music with good locals like Mighty Joe. It's definitely a place to go where everybody knows your name.

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    The bartender lou sucks.   The only reason I come here is because of the pool league I am in.  My first drink he forgot to get, cause its so packed with two people.  My second drink he refuses to give me a clean glass and starts pouring on top of three inches of water in the glass and I have to yell to get him to dump it.   My third drink he does want to give to me cause its free through the league. This guy is a genuine dick.

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    Circle Inn is a family tradition.  A beer before and after a ride on the "EL" on our way towards some sort of sporting event.  It's a few short steps from the last stop west on the Green line, making it oh so convenient to stop in and enjoy a CHEAP beer.  They have regulars in and out but there's always a few stools at the bar. Pool, horseshoes, video poker, and golden tee to keep you busy if you stay for more than just one.  Be forewarned: it is a dive bar, with a dive bar bartender, and a dive bar bathroom.... but buy a drink or two for the regular sitting next to you chattin' you up and you'll be sure to get a few in return. It might perhaps, be my dad.

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    I like this place because it is not dominated by people barely old enough to drink. It reminds me of a bar which is what it is suppose to be. Now it is a dive and a dump, but it is a neighborhood bar. Looks alot like that bar Archie Bunker would go to. It has a pool table and I noticed a basket of crackers near by which I didn't touch. for some reason the bartender came up to me and askd me if i needed somthing. he lookd to be around sixty and I imagin he wanted to see mr up clos to make sure I was legal age. I giv it five stars because it looks "different" inside from th layout to the shape of the place. Plus beer is chap. They nd to invst in Tvs actually built and manufacturs in the 2000's though

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    The diviest of dives!  Don't be afraid of Big Dave, the large biker who's a regular fixture. He's pretty much harmless, well, pretty much.

    If there's a class lower than blue, then that describes the regulars.  Most of the bartenders are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, but they're all nice.

    If you're looking for fine wine or classy cocktails, you're very much out of luck.  It's dirty, there's video poker, and a pool table.  Oh wait, there's a small bookshelf library and board games tucked in the back gathering dust.

    Once in a while Dave will bring in food to share, and it's actually really good.

    If you're not afraid to venture to the dark side of dive bars, or you're looking for a place you won't run into the ex, this is the place for you.  Don't leave your purse unattended or wear anything valuable.

    I almost forgot, I believe they open at 7am just in case you're thinking of starting a before work boozing habit. (I'm not judging, just trying to give tips.)

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    I really wanted to like this place, being so close to home,  but unfortunately, it's a no go. If you don't mind drinking while becoming increasingly bored with every sip, then you should come here. The bartender was pretty nice, but the really bad country music was annoying and the zombie women playing video poker or something or another were seriously disconcerting. I don't know that I could ever need a drink badly enough to go here again.

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    Circle Inn is a great little dive bar to get a drink after you hop off the west end of the Green Line or Oak Park Metra stop.  It has its name because it is on Circle Avenue, which itself is circular looking if you look on a map.  It is just a corner bar, nothing special but a good place to watch the game and have a few.

    Stop in before grabbing a hand-packed burger down the street at Goldyburger's or after bowling in the totally Lebowski retro Circle Lanes.  The dude abides!

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