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    You know I really wanted to like this place.  It's like going on a date with your best friend's little sister there was a comfortability there because the location was in Bayonne but there was nothing thrilling about the evening at all.

    I tried the rodizio with my best friend because I have become addicted to Brazilian food after discovering my favorite Brazilian churrascaria in West New York.  The portions were very underwhelming, the food was not very good, and the service was extremely slow.  On the plus side, my friend like the bacon wrapped chicken if memory serves me correctly.  As for me, I just liked being done with my meal, and getting out of there.

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    Have been here twice and other then the deserts we have not been disappointed. It's a Brazilian/Italian fusion, and everything we have had was wonderful. The staff is friendly and it is a very relaxed atmosphere, you will not be rushed through your meal and you can sit back and enjoy. Only drawback is the deserts, stick to the chocolate cake or cheese cake...

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    Great hospitality.  Great ambience.   A diamond in the rough in Downtown Bayonne.  Food is a fusion of Latin, Italian, and all around delicous food!

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    I gave this place a second try after a year, My first review distinguished this as the worst meal I ever had. There has been NO change. Shame really, the place is very well appointed and has everything, except food, to make this a regular stop.
    Duck breast that couldn't even be cut with knife,let alone chewed it was so burned. My friend had the fish which had the consistency of mashed potato. Considering we were the only 2 patrons, this palce isn't long for Bayonne

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    This restaurant ought to be better, because the atmosphere is very inviting.  But the chicken I ordered was rubbery and smelled bad.  They comped my meal, but what's the point?  I can't remove the bad meal from my system, can I?

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    Made reservations for 7:00 on a Saturday night thinking it would be crowded but to our surprise there were only 4 other parties in the restaurant. It took well over an hour to get our food and the so called "rodizio"  was not what was expected. I understand that they do not have enough people to serve a large amount of meat to but they only cooked 2 pieces of meat at a time and took forever to bring out the next type of meat when it is supposed to be served one after the other. On the positive note the other dishes were good (penne and vodka and salmon). Service was good but two and a half hours for dinner was way too long. Nice try Bayonne.

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    Great atmosphere and wonderful staff ready to help. I really enjoyed my churasco and my boyfriend and his pa had the rodizio. This was also a great place for those with pickier palettes, offering other items outside of the Brazilian menu, looking to satisfy all who step through the door! Their portions are also INCREDIBLE!  I haven't been this content with a meal in a while! Well done!

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    I hated the idea of "no drinks menu".
    The waitress said they could make anything I wanted. I asked for a caipirinha (acceptable for a Brazilian restaurant) and they said they couldn't make.
    Then I asked for a diet coke... It was flat. Finally I got some water.

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    This was supposedly to be "Brazilian" restaurant. Well let me start by saying this is no Brazilian restaurant and the "rodizio" they offer has nothing to do with the original rodizio. That said, service was bad , attendants were not rude, but very late and not well responsive.
    They do not have a drink menu, but they say "we do whatever you want" deal. We did not try but I wanted to have menu handy. We asked for sodas but they were not tasting good and we were told "it is the machine".
    It took us one hour until our food arrived and then we had a mix of good/bad food. Rice was undercooked. They do serve picanha, but I have to say I have no way to agree that was a picanha...
    Despite of the delay (and the picanha fiasco), the food was at best average... overall a bad experience and pricey based on what you get for your money. .

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    Came by for few sangrias, had 3 and then went home and threw up...   Please learn how to make traditional "Spanish style" Sangrias instead of express ones behind the counter!

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