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    A lot of places call themselves a "pub" but this is the real deal. The bartender has dry wit and an Irish brogue straigh toutta Kansas City, the selection is simple, and the atmosphere pure Funky Fayetteville. Cheers.

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    My only complaint is that it can't fit more people. But that's really not so bad since it's such a warm and loving space. If it expanded it might become 'Z bar part 2'.

    Free darts. 'Doors' open up so some of the tables are right next to the sidewalk. Friendly and fun bartenders. Jukebox.

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    The Crown Pub?! Yes sir! Small but just how the Irish make'um. Great service(Eric is the man), with a laid back atmosphere. If you want some "off the wall" beer you might find at the Flying Saucer in Little Rock, go to Little Rock. We keep it simple! With both domestics and imports, I'm sure you can find something to fit the taste buds.
    The jukebox plays good tunes to the streets when the doors open in the summer.

    Stop in for a beer and soak in The Crown Pub.

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    Crown Pub is my all-time favorite Fayetteville bar. I like to sit in the windows and people watch. I know, it's not the only place on Dickson to sit in the big open windows. But it's much cheaper and WAY more friendly than that other place.

    I love their jukebox. I love that the bathroom is always clean. I especially love that you can usually get a Smithwick's draft for $3.

    I only wish it were closer to my house.

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    Crown Pub is my personal favorite place to relax for a couple hours  Best jukebox in town, hands down, and awesome, attentive bartenders.  Love the atmosphere, especially in the spring/summer with the french doors open onto the street.  Great beer selection as well - everything is tasty.

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    I love the Crown Pub! It's very small, but in the hotter months they open up the front doors and it makes for a very spacious feeling overlooking Dickson Street. The owner is nothing short of beinig my FAVORITE bartender ever. He is not afraid to speak his mind, he will take a coat from a lady and seat her, read you a joke or two from his endless binder of jokes if you ask for it, talk politics with you, and he will often give you a free buck to play the juke box. Also, there is no crap beer sold here. This isn't a place to get smashed with your frat buddies, but it's a simple low-key place to enjoy a quality beer or ale with a couple of friends. I love visiting this bar!

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