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    This place is small,dirty, and boring. A typical suburban biker bar with alot of old people who are not far away from a different set of wheels. This place would never be in certain neighborhoods and they really never up keep this place. The televisions are from like 1950 and the few times I have gone in there was like nobody there.

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    THE best dive bar on the southside, hands down!  The interior resembles that bar that was in the movie Gremlins..very retro!

    Good beer, good people, great place!!

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    One of my all time favorite dives, I dare you to watch a Bears game here, the Son of the Owner will be there, as big as a house and a booming voice he will call out the plays with such zeal you would think he was on the team.
     The Daughter of the owner Rasa, is sweet as they come, she may invite you into a game of uno or let you taste some sweet concoction that ends with tini.
     And if you are lucky the Owner Will come in, he is there on a limited basis, (he collects the cash).  Joe is in his 80's if he's seen you once he remembers what you drank, or what you spilled, I have seen him there as early as noon and as late as 2am.  
     All the usual dive bar elements pool table, heavy metal,bikers etc. but my favorite element is the guys who show up selling steaks from the nearby Jewel, it goes like this.  Guy walks in , pulls the bartender off to the side, they have a little conversation, he hands over a package, then he works the crowd he has about 15 or 20 steaks lays them out and sells them for 1/2 price, you can get them cheaper if you are interested, but most drunks jump at the chance for a cheap steak, so he usually get his first price.
     Bar has a lot of regulars, most are quite friendly, when you leave take the side street down rather than exiting onto 87th street, The oak Lawn cops like to get the Burbank rif raf and vice a versa.

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