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    I lovd their burgers and shrimp basket !

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    For a fast food place there food is good and they have good customer serves

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    I have to admit this is as old fashion as they come. Homemade Italian Beef, fresh cut fries, fresh sliced gyros and I can keep going. However what impresses me the most is their homemade soups.

    Being located on Archer Ave I pass by Dino's a million times. Finally stopped in this cold winter season to warm up on some hot soup. Soup changes everyday but its guaranteed fresh every morning. My favorite is the cream of chicken soup but today I had the chicken noodle. They also make homemade chili, I haven't tried it but notice a customer in front me grabbing 2 orders to go.

    The workers are family, I can tell by the way they work well together and boy are they fast. Serious ninja style skills.

    Parking is easy out in front in the early morning, but you have to feed the meter.

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