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    Came here to try it out and surprisingly not bad.

    We ordered:

    Italian Beef with Sweet Peppers Dipped - Was a bit small, but for under $4 not too bad. Flavor was nice.

    Steak Sandwich - We were expecting something like Ricobene's style, but it was more like a chicken vesuvio style. Still good.

    Big Boy Burger - Big and tasty. The lettuce, tomato, pickles, ketchup, mustard and grilled onions really was flavorful.

    Cheese Fries - They were ok, but after a few more bites you realize you just eating processed cheese and starts to get to be too much.

    B&G Fries (Butter & Garlic) - Actually, these were pretty good.

    All this for about $17 is a deal. Will be back since I'm around the area.

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    The veggie ($4.29 for a king - about 10") was piled very high with absolutely fresh veggies - and far more of them than I expected at such a joint. Sure there was the usual lettuce, onion and tomato, but also cucumbers, banana peppers and red cabbage!

    The bread, the key to a great sub, was unfortunately that sesame seeded Turano(?) stuff that is almost good enough for this application, but not quite.

    Also bringing down the sub was processed cheese. Either real cheese or great bread would have been enough to render this a 4 star sub.

    The counter service was great and the place, while definitely pretty run down was clean and non-stinky.

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    The subs are pretty good here. I had the ham and cheese. It was very filling. I also had the salami. That I think you should take a pass on. This isn't the salami crowd. It might have been hanging around for a while. The place is a little old and warn and needs a good scrub down. But for the area I think that I did pretty good.

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