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    Had a thoroughly good time at this bar :D Came here on a Sunday night (not an alcoholic, I swear) and ordered a pretty good amount of drinks. We had the starburst (a recommendation from the bartender), some blue dragon drink, some beers, and a shot of... something intense. Well, whatever it was, it was good! It was all good! And I was thoroughly drunk after it all :D

    Bartender was pretty nice. I left her a larger tip because she actually talked to me, haha. I think I've gotten so used to bartenders in the mission/marina/polk that are just mass producing drinks and ridiculous speeds that I've forgotten that bartenders are actually people, not just drink-making robots.

    I'll def come back! I really liked it. I'm happy that a nice little lounge is near my place!

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    First time here last night with my cousin and I must say on a Saturday night there were not that many girls on site besides the bartendtresses and us Hahah. The drinks are cheap; they require a $20 min charge if you card though. Crystal was tending to us the whole evening we were there and I give her  plus plus plus points for being so attentive especially when one crazy f.o.b. was trying to get at us...

    So I started with a strawberry daiquiri and an amf for my cousin. Both drinks were really good and on the spot with alcohol content! Then the whole crazy scene of free flowing drinks gets sent to us at our table and crystal won't tell us who the person was!!!

    Fun atmosphere when you get your fade on but can be awkward if you're not very sociable.. mainly Asians who come here, pool table in the back room. Plenty of bar seatings and booth seatings! Age gap for groups here can range from 20s to who knows how old those people were...

    Towards the end of our stay the owner came and introduce himself and noticed it was our first time and asked us how we think of the place. I must say Jason, I am definitely coming back again to kick it!:

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    Came back after a year of not being here, and I definitely have to say that this place is growing on me. The drinks come cheap and flow freely, and the bartenders are very affable/slightly crazy. The clientele is eclectic, to say the least, with one guy who dresses like the Mario Brothers in on the weekends (I think his name is Mike) and several other notable regulars. TVs are always set to local sports, and there are cushy seats to just kick it on. There is also a jukebox and pool tables (if you're not too inebriated to play). They also give out free pretzels to help you sober up (trust me, you'll need it). Careful about asking for water, though. You're going to get looked at like a pansy.

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    This guy really has the balls to comment on my review and say I'm ghetto and that I have no class? I'm sorry, but there were witnesses that heard the whole conversation. And yes, F bombs sure were exchanged. You might need to check with what your bartenders are saying because I can guarantee that what I left in my original review is 100% true. I used to work at a bar and I got along with people just fine - as I do your mom. I love Reggie and she's never had an issue with me. Goes to show I am NOT "ghetto, a bully, rude, inconsiderate and classless." - very "classy" of you to diss me on yelp, BTW.

    I also won't deny that I have gotten into a fight at Dragon Lounge. (goes to show.. it's dangerous here, DON'T GO!) And just an FYI, when I did get into that fight at Dragon Lounge, it was because one of your male customers threatened to punch me FOR NO REASON. Yes, your beloved customer - who apparently didn't get kicked out for randomly threatening to punch a girl in the face, but the girl who got threatened is a "bully" for defending herself.

    If you really think I'm stupid, are you some type of genius? How is bringing in my "outside" drink to your bar similar to bringing outside food to a restaurant. It's NOT like I brought my own alcohol to your bar. I brought TEA, this in no way, shape, or form affects your sales/business. I guess "small minded" people such as myself would definitely get drunk off of hot milk tea.

    And lastly, I did not "throw" my drink at you. But to be honest, I wish I did.

    Good one, advertise to get people to go to Dragon Lounge to support you in "opposing against bullies like Lily".
    Hey! You guys are welcome, I got you guys a free shot ;)

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    I love the Dragon Lounge.  Cheap prices, strong drinks, and friendly service.  There's a nice mix of seating: plenty of space at the bar, but also a bunch of little sofa/cushion areas that give a semi-private feel.

    They also have a beautiful tournament grade Diamond pool table in the back.

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    Street fighter Mondays? I'm there.

    Nice staff, decent drinks, a good neighborhood Asian bar.

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    I've been here a few times because it seems to be a good spot to catch up with friends with a few drinks, and recommended it to my friend because we would eat along Taraval from time-to-time.

    Dragon Lounge is a great place to grab a drink and watch the game if you're in the area. There are multiple televisions around the bar and lounge type chair for those who just want to sit back. There is a pool table in the back room with a screen and projector. They offer pretzels for those drinking and they partnered with Yelo Gelato Crepe Café next door to deliver food if they're open (was closed the Tuesday I went).

    They definitely have their regulars and a decent variety of drink menu, but I only came for the beer. Good eye candy definitely helps when you buy a drink. Also, Jackie Chan picture is sitting on the coffee maker, so big ups for them. It's more of a convenient location, but not a drive far out of the way spot.

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    Been here in the daytime, but never been here at night so I didn't quite know what to expect.  When a good friend of mine told me he was coming here to shoot pool with a group of friends last night, I decided to check it out.

    Ended up having a fantastic time, drinking and shooting pool.  My game was totally off for some reason last night, but as always I still had a lot of fun.  The bartender, Gloria, was sweet and really wonderful.  When a bunch of us really got into our pool games, she actually came to the back room to take our drink orders.

    Had to smile when I saw a drink called The Euge on the menu and was happily reminded that this is one of his haunts.  Looked for him, but was disappointed that I didn't see him this time.  Would have loved to have finally met him after knowing him on Yelp for so long.

    Like I always say...each bar is like it's own individual world.  Always fun to explore the universe of alcohol.

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    One of the lesser bars on the Taracrawl.

    I've only been in here once, but believe you me, it was one times too many.  The interior has this sleazy lounge lizard decor, only large cube sitting areas, awkward.  

    And a strange regular crowd.  Will skip this one next time.

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    Ehh.. No

    Came here after a horrible experience at Fizzee's. Dinner was great but then struck out at 2 bars. Our group took it as a sign and called it a night early.  Thank goodness for friends. You can always make the most of a situation as long as you're with good company.

    I use to frequent this place 5 years ago and it was awesome! (Ahh college days) There was a nice diverse crowd. Bartenders were cute and could hold a conversation.  NO DRAMA. It was all good.

    Fast forward to 2010 and WOW! This place has changed. The guys here look like they're ready to kick some ass!  Whose ass? I have no idea but they look like they have a chip on their shoulder.  Ease up will ya?  There's nothing worse than yellow-on-yellow crime. =P

    The prices are decent. The bartenders are not so chatty and they dont look like they enjoy what they're doing. God help em'

    Its over run by Asians. ABC's and FOB's.  Not that there's anything wrong with this. I mean, I love my peoples but  it use to be a nice mix. What happened?

    There were a lot of people playing these drinking games with their fingers.  I think the idea is that you get to 15? Loser drinks? Uh.. I dont have to lose a game to drink b/c I'll do it willingly. =P

    I'll always remember the good times Dragon Lounge.  I'm not a big fan of your "new you".  Perhaps we'll cross paths again in say 2015?

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    It's a great feeling when you see a yelp sticker on the door of an establishment you happen to stumble upon.

    This is how I felt as I entered the Dragon Lounge.

    We ended up here to celebrate the daily "last call". It's like midnight new year's eve everyday! Anyway...

    After walking in, the friendly vibe and music enveloped me; classic soul and R&B playing from the jukebox.
    A smiling bartender stood behind a long stretch bar top with plenty of open stools while pleasant local patrons relaxed and enjoyed conversations with their close friends over drinks.

    I knew  I would be here till closing time.
    Who cares if I had a meeting the next morning at 9AM. It was Tuesday for gosh sake....."Happy New Wednesday Everyone!"

    We sat and enjoyed a couple of celebratory flaming shots and munched on some pretzels. After, we headed to the back room to play a game of pool and darts, put some money in the jukebox and ended the night by  toasting the last sips of our drinks.

    Thanks Friends and Yelp - again.

    Quick synopsis- Great local place. Clean. Friendly Staff. Plenty of comfortable seating. Parking - depends on timing/day. Drink prices, very reasonable.

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    A lounge on Taravel?  Seriously?  If you said a dive, I'd be more likely to believe you.  But a lounge?

    Yeah, I was totally surprised to find this place in the neighborhood.
    Dragon Lounge is roomy, serves decent drinks, and has a real friendly vibe to it.
    There is also a pool table, darts, and a juke box with good sounds in the back.

    Overall, I liked it.
    I'm giving it 3.5 stars but rounding down since I need one more visit to verify.

    Before I forget, I have to apologize to the bartender.
    I get a little talky when drunk, and the more intoxicated the more I talk.
    So Beware.
    The worst thing is I inevitably ends up babbling about books.
    And last night was no exception.
    From what I'm told, I was either rambling about Derrida's contribution to deconstruction or why kids likeThe Story of Farts.
    <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgravybread.files.wordpress.com%2F2007%2F04%2Ffart-book-small.jpg&s=5d58ae32dd6fb70373408f0674f4b4629af657941b48e547a24ba2c0b27ded1a" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://gravybread.files.…</a>
    And when asked why no one stopped my incoherent lecture, they said they were either too hammered or too busy laughing or both.  Thanks.
    Once again, sorry.

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    Cute neighborhood bar for those who just want a quick drink. A friend pointed out that this would be a great bar to take a date to since it's within walking distance to his house (mental note: don't get drunk with him).
    Thing with this place is the front and back halfs have two different vibes. The front is where all the drinking and loud conversations are. Whereas the back is where everyone comes to sit and lounge.
    Bartenders are ALL HOT GIRLS with super low tops, I have yet to see a guy make a drink in this place. Yes, I too have also ordered the infamous "Euge"... you know that sweet girly drink everyone's talking about.

    There's juke box that plays everything from oldies to rap. You can even play Ms. Pac Man. Huge projection screen in the back that's almost always on ESPN. There's pool table to play a "friendly" game of cut throat.

    WARNING: Police station is up the block so there's always a handful of cops having a drink. This is not the place to get hammered and jump into your car.

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    My first experience at the Dragon Lounge was The Euge's birthday celebration...this bar actually has a drink named after him, I can't believe it.  It is light and refreshing, and will knock you on your ass when you least expect it, just like its namesake.  

    My most recent visit was a post-picnic chillaxation sesh with Yelp's Korean Contingent, where I learned that my friend keeps a ready supply of Plan B next to the condoms at his apartment, and that apparently those sorority girls from UC San Diego really know how to...ok, maybe I've said too much?  (Message to my friend:  Play on, playa, dayum!)

    Cool neighborhood bar with a lounge-y feel, jukebox, table-style Ms. Pac-Man, and pool tables...great vibe.  I was lounging around in the back room like I was at a friend's house.  I'd totally come here all the time if I lived in this neighborhood, but alas, I'm all the way across town.

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    I'm a little sad to hear how many girls have had The Euge before me. When I was offered The Euge, I thought I was special, but after reading all these other reviews, I realized that I am just another naive girl who was tempted by The Euge.

    Thank goodness for the hawt and super sweet Miss Amanda, who had Don Julio with me 3 times afterward. After that, I forgot all about The Euge.

    I prefer those of a Latin persuasion anyway.

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    2 times in 2 days.  I see why the locals like it so much.  It's dark with lots of seating, hot bartenders and a pool table.  The jukebox is funny with old booty music, blues and jazz.  I tried the Euge, which was a sweet rum drink with a cherry in it.  That still makes me laugh.  The drinks in general were pretty stiff though.

    The best part of visit #2 was someone doing a flare and the continuing (mis)education of Seong.  I learned something about neck popping, a guy with a ready supply of condoms and Plan B's and other biological and anatomical facts I need to google the accuracy of.  However, I was deemed Plan B worthy.  That's nice.  I made a bunch of booty call texts (all of  you are very special to me).  Then some little Korean guy picked me up and had me screaming like a sorority girl.  Wow, I guess he really is strong.

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    i better not say anything bad about this place or EJ will surely kill me... :P

    Came here last night for drinks.. This is EJ's home away from home.. His 'hood... His beat... whatever you want to call it...

    This is the weirdest neighborhood bar ever... the decor is a little weird, but it works... the bartenders are hot and very friendly... and there's booze... lots and lots and lots of booze... shitty pool table in the back, but it gets the job done... won $20 of EJ's bankroll on it last night... dart board that is barely hanging on, but again, serves it purpose... jukebox with a good selection...

    weird crowds though... you got your triads sitting at the end... some irishmen in the middle chatting up the pocket protector wearing asian guy donning his ear tool... hot asian bartenders... and EJ and Leif and HiDek in the back...

    Weird... Good weird.. But still weird...

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    This place is actually pretty ghetto. It's a mainly Asian crowd  (not that I mind) and you have the usual gangster looking guys playing Chinese games and screaming at one another. The only reason I have come to this place a couple of times is because all the other bars have been so packed that none of us wanted to deal with the craziness and we know that there is always a free table at this place. Their "special" cocktails really aren't that special and the girls (bartenders) really aren't that cute. Maybe I'm not a good judge because I'm a girl...who knows?

    Update: I received a message from Jennylynnchan C., who up until this point (2/8/08) only has one review which happens to be about how cute the bartenders are...what a coincidence, who was clearly upset that I thought the bartenders weren't that cute. Oh well, I'm sorry I didn't think you were cute and that I hurt your feelings. Get over it.

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    On the topic of memories [see my reviews re: Spanish Table & Ocean Beach], the bouncer at the door of the Dragon Lounge [deemed "DL" by those who frequent it] sure has a good one. After fewer than a handful of visits, I've been recognized and remembered. Of course, why should that surprise me? I'm not one of the many Asian males that passes through those doors, and for an Asian female, I'm actually at least eye-to-eye when he's sitting on that stool outside.

    I'll never venture to this bar alone. Not mixed enough a crowd for my tastes. It's not exactly in my neighborhood either. But I don't mind it so much. Where else can I flirt with the cute bartenders, indulge in my R&B-appreciating ways, and watch UFC all at the same time?

    $20 credit minimum - BOO. Others have mentioned it being crowded, but I've never had problems finding a place to sit. Good timing, perhaps?

    3.5 stars.

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    A few AZN thugs in the back but the drinks, the bartendress' boobs and company are good

    The only thing I like more than man on man action:
    Euge on Omar action.

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    Okay...explain this one to me.

    Hard core azn bar.....

    Hoochie ass azn bartenders....

    Pool table......

    In the Outer Sunset.....


    Motown and R&B jukebox???  Really??  Random.

    Booze...gotta love it!  So three stars.

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    There's really only one question for a place called Dragon Lounge: Asian bar...or AZN bar?

    Seems to be a bit of both, actually.  Like the place where the asian clubbing crowd goes on their off nights.  Sure, modern R&B is king on the jukebox, but everyone is just here to chat, shoot pool, even watch football.

    Choosing a cocktail here was a bit odd (if only I'd done my homework I could've ordered the Euge -- total bonus star for that).  They didn't seem to know how to make an old-fashioned or a white russian , though I saw lots of rum & cokes getting made, and various things with lots of sodas, liqueurs, and maraschino cherries.  Hardly anyone was drinking beer.  In the end we opted for Manhattans, which were done well but pricey for Parkside.  Decor is nice, my only complaint is that the lights behind the bar are too bright.

    So, yet another contender for my local bar of choice.  Sadly, I think I fit in more in the Inner Sunset, but from the reviews, Dragon Lounge seems like a great place to run into some of my fellow west-side Yelpers.  Do you think if you order a Euge, it will summon him?

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    Nobody can deny the importance of a first impression and my first thoughts of this place upon walking in. "Dam...wish this was more conveniently located to my apartment."

    This was a last minute decision to go out to Euge's B-day extravaganza and, as usual, I'm glad I made it out. The place is totally non-divey. Super clean interior w/ lots of seating and tables. The jute box was full of good music, the drinks were "ok" priced (could have been cheaper as it was not in downtown, but not outrageous), the bartender was well endowed, Euge was well intoxicated, and the pool table in the back was in good condition as well. Just minus one star for being all the way in the Sunset District.

    Overall It was a good night out. I really need to learn more about the L line though....I almost got stranded around West Portal.

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    Never have I experienced a bartender with less skills. Sure, she's barely 21, but she managed to spray the ENTIRE bar with water or whatever from the dispensers every time she made a drink. By the time I left, the whole bar had puddles of water on it, and she kept putting my change down in said puddles.

    Also, she didn't know how to make a margarita and had to ask the grandmother in charge, who was standing in the corner. Admittedly, Euge said this was very much a "white drink". Draw your own conclusions here.

    Ok, yes, for all the guys, she had huge boobs, and was wearing a very low-cut shirt. However, she didn't seem very attractive to me...but maybe I have higher standards than you all. Sorry, but young, dumb and full of (fill in the blanks time!) does not = sexy for me.

    That all being said, it wasn't a bad place to hang out, and they have porn video games, which is pretty hilarious at least.

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    Back in the Midwest, we don't have "Asian bars" (though there are "Asian clubs"), so Dragon Lounge was a bit of a curiosity to me...would I be self-conscious about not fitting into some stereotype of an Asian woman? Naw, this is a totally chill, spacious bar where I feel right at home (man, I lurve SF). I've said it before, and I'll say it again..I LOVE places where there's a variety of things for people to do. You can...

    - Hustle your friends at the pool table.

    - Order up some R&B and soul tunes on the jukebox (holy crap they have Al Green, Marvin Gaye, THE ISLEY BROTHERS!..but I gotta say, they could use more of the early funktastic Isley Bros stuff).

    - Get your erotic video game on w/ PhotoHunt.

    - Watch the local sports team or Miss Hawaiian Tropic competition.

    - Drink a Euge (deceptively potent under a guise of fruity sweetness...I'm just sayin' what the drink's like!).

    Minus one star b/c I don't like getting carded and having my Illinois driver's license inspected by not just one, but two people...and I think that there should be at least one hot Asian dude behind the bar. Some of us have our own fabulous boobies thankyouverymuch.

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    Like Yimou Zhang's- Curse of the Golden Flower, the greatest special effect of Dragon Lounge are all the asian bartenders with massive, opulent cleavage.

    Don't try jumpin in your car "buzzed" as right up the street is an SFPD station.  

    Oh yes, order the euge...good times boss!

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    Oh Yelp i can't believe this bar is actually on here....

    I used to be a bartender here...i loved it...
    let me clear up some things...
    1. drinks are dirt cheap..and the bartenders know how to POUR..we were never shady...you want it irish..we make it irish
    2. bartenders are well over 21..so no..Jason doesn't hire any youngins
    3.the crowd is..well Typically ASIAN...however you do get your occassional SF STATE BASKETBALL Players...Yum =)

    otherwise this bar is great...bartenders are always super nice and try and get to know you....TRUST ME =)...they know just what to give you when your day isn't going so great...

    -it's down the street from the police station...yet..cops have better things to do then post..so don't fret
    -sometimes nasty FOB's hit on you and try to throw money in your face..NO BUENO...we cannot be bought....my reason for 4 stars


    all the b*tches that keep on hating on the bartenders need to stop....it's not our fault why you can't get any attention....try a wonder bra :)

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    Dragon's may not lounge here but more likely than not you can spot a Euge here.  If he isn't here and you have the urge to have a Euge in your hand then you can just order one from the lovely ladies behind the bar.

    I have a feeling that if I lived nearby this would be my *Cheers*.  The spot where I could go, sit at the bar and enjoy a few drinks on a random weeknight.  It's too clean to be considered a dive bar but it's also not the type of place that people are going to cross a bridge for which is probably what keeps this place a gem for the locals who can enjoy the place whenever they want.

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    A local watering hole with Fat Tire. Big Euge has been trying to get Fat Tire on tap for 3 years he tells me. By Big Euge, I don't mean our friend neighborhood bobble head Euge.  

    Dragon Lounge also carded me. Me? Little ole me. I'm still not sure what to think of that. Occasionally I get carded buying cigarettes. Occasionally I get carded buying beer at Safeway. But this is the first time I've walked in to a dark bar and been carded immediately. Was it my boyish good looks? Was it the company I walked in with? I don't know. I never did get an answer. This will haunt me.

    We ordered pizza to quell our appetites after 15 gallons of German beer. No more Taraval Pizza for me. I will go to Taco Bell or the Chinese place down the street if I ever feel the need to eat at Dragon Lounge again. See my Taraval Pizza review for more info. <a href="http://www.yelp.com/biz/kTbI2NtsXwtaPlg-wN-jqA?hrid=KsM04-5ItEY7IvIp753u6Q">http://www.yelp.com/biz/…</a>

    Otherwise a decent experience. How can a bar with Ms. Pacman be all that bad?

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    Hot bartender?  Check.
    Cocktail named after one of my favorite Yelpers?  Check.
    People bringing their own stick to play pool?  Check.
    Jukebox loaded with killer songs?  Check.
    Stumbling distance from my house?  Nope.  Four stars it is.

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    This place keeps getting better and better.

    Of course, I have Euge to thank for. Bars are always a hit or miss with me, but with great shots and some great friends, you'll never leave unhappy.

    Note: Hot Bartenders helps too.

    *See Euge showing off the goods - clicky

    <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fphotos%2Fstanleyk%2F383040623%2Fin%2Fset-72157594523372931%2F&s=a5ad034df53558916e21f4011e1a2871f6c0331ab8e6c4df498875942a988637" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.flickr.com/ph…</a>

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    This is not a Bar. It's a Very Clean Dive, if there is such a thing. There's an immaculate pisser, and pool tables in the back. Up front, gorgeous Asian bartenders will be pouring the hard liquor. Drinks are typical -- $5 to $8 a mixed drinky.

    We ended up here after the Arby's Olypmics: the few, the proud, the drunks. They didn't give us any flack for being a rowdy, loud, over-beefed dozen. (I'm sure it helped that we were with regulars.) In fact, Jason the owner bought everyone a round of Patron shots --- more than generous. Comfy seats, nice, unobtrusive staff, and a quiet out of the way Lower Sunset location make this place a good choice for hosting your own private lush party.

    Four Stars it deserves, but Five cos hey, this is where the Arby's Olympiads party, yo.

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    Pretty decent place...

    I'll admit, I liked it a lot more before when there were more bartending eye-candy....

    It has a pool table in the back which is pretty cool, a dart board, and it also serves food...plus some TV screens, often on some sporting show/event...

    I wouldn't mind coming here to just chill with the fellas...

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    The first time I came here was at daytime during one of my walks.  I'm drinking my beer minding my own business when this old man starts mumbling something aggressively about giving him a ride home.  "Sorry, man I don't have a car," I say.  This just makes him start yelling at me and grabbing my arm.  He's not making any sense.  I yell at him to back the fuck off and he does for a few minutes.  He starts yelling at me again and the bartender comes and yells at him and he storms out.  One of the patrons buys me a shot and says that this is normally a nice bar.  

    One of the patrons has his retarded (literally) brother or something in there and this guy comes over and starts grabbing on me and moaning.  The brother comes and wrangles him and everyone apologizes again.  

    This could happen at any bar so i don't really know how to review this bar except to repeat the general rule of look out for assholes and retards.

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    Nice place to chill anytime of the week!

    This place is a local watering hole for people in the sunset area. Its not a hip trendy jet-set bar by any chance. More of a lounge to relax at. For the critics of this place looking for more rowdy or trendy places, try the marina district.

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    AH! Remember Thirsty Thursdays?

    I celebrated two consecutive birthdays there. The bartenders are real nice! Nice intimate setting.

    Yeah, it's true that it's always full of Asians but consider that the owner is also the owner of a martial arts school, the name of the bar sounds Asian, and the bar is in Sunset, which majority of the residents are Asian. That pretty much explains it.

    If you ever go there, order the Euge! Yeah, it's a bitch drink but it's real good. Or for those more hardcore people out there, the Flaming Dragon.

    Watch, I'll have a drink named after me one day!

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    I have to say I miss Fahey's but do enjoy dropping in the Dragon Lounge now and then usually on a Saturday afternoon.  The drinks are cheap.  There's always some sports blazing across the TV screens.  There's a mix of young and old locals who frequent this place.  Always crowded on a Friday night.  Interesting mix of retro and
    old style bar decor.  It's great to just relax, have a drink and people watch.  Interesting characters in there.

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    The only thing I like about this bar is that the TV is out front enough so I can peek in to check the score for Giants games when I get off the MUNI.  

    It's a bar for regulars... and the regulars are just a bunch of Asian dudes.  Doesn't have a fun environment or friendly feel to it.  I've walked in and the entire crowd (which is usually 6 guys) stare me up and down... and not because a female soul entered, but as if they are thinking, "Wth is this person?"  Everyone seems depressed or acting too hardup.

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    A friend of mine knew the owner of this place so we decided to show up and show some love.  It was another friend of our's bday that night so we dragged him along with 10 others to celebrate.  After we lined up and everyone got and paid for their drinks, my friend ordered a coke because she doesn't drink.  The owner charges her for it.

    They were friends.  She pulls me and a bunch of others in to show support.  We all buy a ton of drinks.  She gets  a coke.  He charges her.  I was offended.  Never went back.  Never will be back.

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    Interesting bar, especially if you are into the Asian scene --hairstyles and all! There is definitely an ethnic 'scene' here, but hey, that's cool with me.

    Both of the bartenders were drunk and kept spilling the drinks -- they didn't really respond to some people trying to make orders either. However, they were really nice people, so I feel bad to complain about it. For example, my friend is a real lightweight (she happens to be Chinese). She gets dizzy and all red-faced whenever she drinks. One of the bartenders came over and suggested she should get something light and take an antihistamine like benadryl before drinking. Guess its an asian thing! We got her a buttery nipple shot and that seemed to do the trick. :)

    That aside, it is a mellow place to just hang. They have very comfy couches and pool tables too.

    Another funny thing, they set the clock in the bar 20 minutes fast. When it hit 2, the bouncer (a skinny and tall white guy) starting kicking everyone out. We all checked our watches and it was 1:40. Oh well.

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