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    We came here on a whim, I was looking on yelp for karaoke because we were dying to sing it up and so I found Faces.  I searched it online and there is actually a documentary on the joint that some guy made.  After watching that my boyfriend and I exchanged glances he shook his head "no" wide eyes and I shook mine "yes" even more wide eyed.  We decided we would figure it out so we went to dinner and I got him good and drunk and within minutes "we should go to faces".  
    So we did and invited another couple we hang out with to go with us.  

    We grabbed a table on the small second level ledge when you first walk in with a great view of the stage.  Kate and I walked up to the bar and were instantly surrounded by two men who had similarities to my grandfather. As we walked up to our guys they were two cubs in a cougar circle.  Fantastic, this place was hilarious.  I will definitely go back again! We all sang kept drinking with the best of them and made a night of it.  

    Near the end....this woman looked at one of my friends and said
    "why are you here?   We are all so much older than you.  
    and he replied with
    "were just out lookin' for a good time"

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    I have been going to Faces for years!  It is the place you go where everybody knows your name... and yes, they're always glad you came.  

    There's often a special themed event or activity to do like karaoke, poker, pool, and more.  The servers are super friendly and very personable.  They have new kitchen staff cooking in the back, and I haven't tried much yet besides the wings - and I approve ;)

    They have Karaoke competitions running consistently that restart every couple of months.  The crowd is a fun mix of people who just want to sing, drink, dance and laugh, sprinkled with some real talent as well!  Faces is basically where I got my BALLS to sing in public and I can honestly say even at my worst and most off-pitch, I still feel supported.  You always seem to still get an E for Effort when you go up there on the stage!!!
    Their KJ is the Rajun Cajun - nice guy and a fun time is always had!  If the owner (semi-new) is present he's usually up front rocking out or mingling with the customers!  

    The space is not huge, but it's cozy.  Smoking is allowed but there are also fans going and a door to a deck that they sometimes leave open, which helps!
    There are a ton of local regulars, but you'll also see some party groups here and there - especially on the weekends.  

    Faces is super accommodating for large groups and special requests.  They are really glad to see you there and show it with their flexibility.

    If you want to sing, get there early or it's hard to get into the rotation.. they start at 9pm.  You can put in just one song at a time.  So, what I do is have a few songs written down ahead of time so I can bring up another each time I get on stage.

    Faces is a no frills, no pressure, good time.  When ya go, ask for Ellie or Michelle and tell 'em Heidi sent ya!

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    Fun place!  It's pretty divey and doesn't look like too much from the street, but the people are so nice!  You'll probably see the owner there any given night, and there are several sweet waitresses/bartenders.  I am a fan of the special art of Karaoke, so this is a good spot for that.  The Rajun Cajun is very fair about letting everyone get their turn, and has a very extensive selection.  Drinks are strong and food is OK for a bar.  It is extremely smoky, which is kinda a rough combination with singing.  Expect to talk to some the regulars in the bar...everyone is very nice and supportive of eachother's singing efforts.  People also get up and dance a lot, and aren't afraid to be themselves!

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    Had a great time here Saturday night!!

    Had a good energy
    Attentive bartenders
    Friendly people

    Very smoky
    only got to sing 2 songs in 2.5 hours because the place was packed with Karaoke singers (this could also be looked at as a good thing I guess)

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    Allow me to clarify...we go to Faces after we have already been out elsewhere and aren't quite ready to go home. A nightcap if you will. Compare it to Johnny's Hideaway.

    This place is ridiculous. It's filled with a bunch of barflies that like to hear themselves sing. The crowd is generally older and redneck. It's dirty and very smokey. They have food but i wouldn't trust anything coming from the back of this place.

    That being said...it is always a great time. It is so much fun to people watch and let your hair down. You can sing the worst karaoke and you will be pretty much on par with the rest of the singers. The lines can get long so buy the lady DJ a buttery nipple and she will put you at the top of the list. No joke.

    Try to go on one of their theme nights too. So far, we have been to a beach party and the Faces prom. You may hate yourself in the morning but you will have quite the interesting night singing at Faces.

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    It's not much to look at, but the people are great, the singers are usually awesome. Not so much talent that you can't go here and just have fun. Usually pretty crowded so you probably won't sing but 3 or 4 songs.

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    First, I'd like to address one remark that Rick D. made..... I tended bar for several years and have been to many bars and clubs around the country, and I've never encountered one that gave free refills on sodas. That's more of a fast-food restaurant policy.

    I live in California, but, during one trip to visit family in Georgia, I went to Faces with my sisters and we had a great time! At first, I had no idea what to expect, but I felt very comfortable there. The crowd was mixed, which I like a lot. The atmosphere was very welcoming.

    I also liked how people can dance on the dance floor while patrons are singing karaoke. At several karaoke places I've been to, you have to just sit at the bar or at a table and listen while strangers are singing. But at Faces, you can have more fun by dancing, even if the singing is bad. LOL. Sometimes that makes it more fun actually.

    I have pictures from the night we spent there and it's clear from looking at them that we three had a good time that night!

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    Went here with some friends for a fun night of karaoke after some good Italian grub across town. It looked really small from outside but once inside opened up to a relatively good sized place.

    Faces is more of a neighborhood bar that is a bit run down, but still passable as a daily drinking hole.

    The karaoke stage is a little alcove off the main room with enough room for a mic, the karaoke person and a couple of karaoke'ers. The prices for the drinks (at least for mine) ran about average although soda should be free refills (it appeared we were charged for each one) but whatever.

    The karaoke was fun and entertaining. We saw a few people who definitely shouldn't have been singing, a few who had surprisingly good voices and, to top the evening off, I made my karaoke debut and finale in the same evening on the same song.  I knew I was tone deaf and this evening just proved it.  Maybe if there is a song with a lot of talking like "Devil Went Down to Georgia" I would venture up there again otherwise I will save everyone's ear drums a lashing and just observe from this point on.

    We had a fun night out with friends which is what it was all about and while I'm not a fan of the smoke filled bars, I might brave this one again should our friends decide to want to sing a little more there.

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