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    Great neighborhood spot, good bartenders, cheap prices, looks like and is a dive bar.  No tvs but that's what makes it fun is you actually have to talk to people, very rare in this day in age

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    Love this place!  I have been going here for YEARS!  The bartenders are cool & laid back and the owners are genuine and polite.  I feel comfortable here at 5pm AND 2am!

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    Nice bar for rocker types but the beer selection is sub par.  I'd go more but the most exotic beer they have is Becks.

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    So I ventured into the Five O'Clock on a Saturday night on a date, not knowing what to expect.  I had read some of the reviews on here, and it seemed like the kind of place I would like, so I was excited.

    First of all, it was a special night because the Virginia Marti School was having a pirate themed fashion show, so all of the hipsters were out in full force.  I liked the curvy booths set up against the wall, and they had little candles on them to create an "ambiance" of sorts.

    However, I did find their prices a little too pricey.  6 bucks for a pitcher of PBR?  I can go to a different bar in town and get the same thing for 4 dollars.  They were busy, so the bartenders seemed a little too distracted to deliver prompt service.

    I think I need to try this place out on a night that isn't so crazy, and is a little more chill.  I'll go and report back!

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    Hands down the best bar in Lakewood. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but if you're into cheap drinks, great music that doesn't drown out your conversations, friendly bartenders & an overall laid back atmosphere this is the place for you.

    On almost every Friday & Saturday there is either a DJ playing mostly indie rock (w/ some classic/punk mixed in) or live bands. There is rarely a cover charge for the live music. Sunday is import night, all bottles are $2.

    They have a shuffle puck table (best bar game ever), foosball & 2 pool tables. Plenty of seating and a very large outdoor smoking patio w/ cornhole.

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    Conversations with weirdos, cheap beer, big round booths, giant patio, within walking distance of my apartment.

    This is pretty much what it takes to make me re-visit a bar. I have, and will continue to, no matter what.

    The last time I was there someone played so much At the Drive-In on the jukebox I thought I was transported back in time to 2000 when I'd wear studded belts constantly. Those were the days.

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    If you ask me, there isn't a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon with your softball team than at the 5 O'Clock Bar - playing foosball, cornhole and drinking a few beers.  If I remember correctly they had a pretty crazy deal on imported beers last time I visited.  Fun place!

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    5 O'Clock will always stand in infamy. I am pretty sure the smoke in the air is still lingering from someone's cig they puffed in 1977. I like to imagine her name was Cherry and she was wearing tight black jeans with silver zippers on the legs. Her permed, sticky Aqua-Net hair pulled high onto her head with tendrils dripping. She sat at the corner stool waiting for her guy Dom to finish up in the restroom. They had a long night ahead of them. She was trying to keep him distracted to slow down his drinking by cigarettes and cleavage. Dom had helped more than one dump earn the title of punch palace after too much to drink.

    Ah, the 5 O'Clock. I don't care how many creepy men are hanging around the bar, I love this place.

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    Like the others, I write this review based on fond memories of what once was. And while it seems like nothing has changed, it also seems like everything has changed. In my mind it is Cleveland's version of Cheers. In reality, it is now just a little worn down place on Detroit.

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    oh, the 5 o'clock.  in another lifetime, the 5 o'clock was the place i went to when my friends and i wanted cheap beer, friendly folks, and to be very, very drunk.  

    for those facts alone, the 5 o'clock still lives up to its infamy.

    i recently ventured over to the 5 o'clock again after a hiatus of several years, lifetimes, and what felt like centuries.  after walking through the door, i found it comforting to see the big round booths were still there, the air still heavy with booze, and the locals still hunched over on their stools ready to fall over drunk.


    these locals include a gentleman who needed to explain to me with beer laden breath that i should stand by my man no matter what happens- even if it meant i had to eat shit.  

    yes.  that is what he said.

    if you go early, you'll find a different gathering of folks than you would on a later friday night.  early evening, you'll find the regulars wasted and probably just out of work on friday night. these are the folks that, say, might educate you in the ways of love by way of eating shit.  later in the evening, you'll find hipsters clinging to their pbrs and brooding in the corner.  they will not tell you to eat shit.  well, unless they are not believing a story you are telling.   or you are trying to pick one of them up and they're not buying it.  that might garner a response involving poo.

    djs play on the weekends and do live music occasionally, too.

    one thing i will say, though.  the 5 o'clock looks like it's been rode hard and put to bed.  i mean, it's a dive, but that's what makes it.  

    and i guess that's all i have to say.

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    There is a portion of my life that I hold very dear but I can't seem to remember very much of it. I place thanks and blame on the Five O'clock in Lakewood. I spent nearly all of my free time from age twenty one to twenty seven inside of its soft, welcoming embrace. I loved all of her: the cheap Pabst draught, the Big Buck Hunter game (RIP), and the local ripper dudes playing The Hellcopters, Dead Boys and all of the other good drinking music. I will not, however, stand up for what the bar is like now, my time with it has passed, but my last few visits have been low key with local weirdoes barely speaking over the televisions hanging over their beers.

    I have walked there in the rain, the snow, and left tons of shows early just to walk through those ugly swinging doors. Wednesdays used to be out of control what with eighties night at the Chamber being right next door. But pretty much every night could turn into the best of black outs if you were smart enough to let it go down that way. And if you were looking to have relations with a stranger this was an easier (and cheaper) place to make that happen than any brothel in Nevada. I said it and a lot of people are still regretting it. The best.

    Go inside the men's room and use the urinal (guys and gals) because the carving of the initials TFA still reigns supreme. Go inside for whatever reason because this was the place for a time but other places took its place. Most of the original cast still works there, for better or worse, so you can make your memories as vague as I made mine. All in all, this place is a total winner but I can't remember all the reasons why, and that's the best reason why. You're turn!

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