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    As dive bars go, this is one.

    Old people at the bar.  Two pool tables - I wouldn't know which end of the stick to use, unless I were bashing heads.  Bright lights in the pool room.  New Belgium Ranger on tap, one star for that.  Tiny little bathroom.

    I can't really see the appeal; I'd rather go to Pizza Port or its bottle shop.

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    This is one of the few bars left in Carlsbad that I still enjoy going to. The drinks are super strong and cheap. Scotty and Dave are great. I always run into a group of people that I know when I go there and that's always fun.

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    Love this dive bar. Great place to grab some beer with friends, cozy, wooden table and booths, friendly bartender, love that they have a foosball table.
    If your near Carlsbad Village and aren;t feeling going to Hennesseys or Boars Head... go to the Golden Tee. Super chill vibe!

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    Wonderful Dive bar.

    Cheap but strong drinks, pool, and fooseball what more can you ask for!

    Like any other dive bar there is always a great group of random, strange locals hanging out but it always makes for a good time.

    Only thing that was kinda lame was the service. Wasn't that great the few times I came here but hey it hasn't stopped me!

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    So, this is basically my favorite Dive bar in the area-ish where I live.

    Not as much violence as Smitty's in Vista (say what you want, but there is a gnarly fight everytime I'm there)

    Its a good size, good drinks, and its always been the same bartender everytime I'm there. Its one of my friends "cheers" bars. She is always there, and she knows everyone.

    I'm the socially awkward girl that sometimes is with her, but anyways... the booths here are awesome and fit like 6 people. Its a nice change from typical barstool type tables.

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    I heard good things about this place until I actually tried to go there with my friend. We are both girls, I am 37 and she is 35. She had a UNITED STATES passport and they would not accept it. The male bartender was a rude, condescending asshole and I would never give them my business. It's not like we're in our 20's and we had  VALID I.D...what bar in the U.S doesn't accept a FEDERAL document from a 35 year old woman? YOUR A DIVE BAR IN A SHOPPING CENTER IN CARLSBAD...GET OVER YOURSELF!

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    Don't get me wrong, I love a good dive bar and the cast of characters only enhances the experience.  However, this place is a collection of classless individuals that not only don't shower, but if there was soap around they would have to use it to wash their mouths out.  I drop the F bomb as well as anyone else, but these idiots sit around and bad mouth everyone, including their own employees.  Talking about the other bartenders when they aren't working, calling women Cunts, blacks the N word and the list goes on.

    The morning bartender (owners son) is a piece of crap.  Not only does he poor drinks incorrectly, when he gets the order wrong he won't fix it for you.  Not in the New York you get what you get kind of way.  His elevator doesn't go all the way to the top and it would hurt him too much to figure out how to make the drink (sorry if OJ and vodka is too complicated for him).  It's not like I was expecting a martini or anything.

    This place is absolutely disgusting.  Enter at your own risk.

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    You have to come here Saturday-Tuesdays when Scottie is working. He is an awesome bartender. The prices here are very reasonable but its cash only so come prepared. They do have an ATM on site tho, but its a $2 transaction charge which isn't too bad. They have 2 pool tables, a few other games and a juke box. It gets pretty crowded there sometimes so come early. They do not serve food here but there is a taco shop next door and they don't mind you bringing outside food in there. My favorite dive bar for sure!!!

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    3 months later and the tee is still my place. I've been going here soo much it upsets me. But I love the tee. New things me and my girlfriend helped make a signature drink...the carmel apple shot and drink. We were the guinea pigs on that one.

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    Reminds me of a east coast drive bar. I loved it. Great pool bar with down to earth people.

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    The 'Tee has become our new favorite spot since moving off of C'bad Village a few months back. I'd been here once or twice over the years but its really grown on me as of late. I like to stop in after kereoke, though I'm happy just chilling here the whole night. I tend to feel a bit entrapped by the police closer to hwy 101, and the Tee is quite close to the freeway for those quick escapes.

    The place looks kinda dated but it has a weird school cafeteria-like charm that seems to comfort me on some deep and primordial level. There's an indescribable factor in bar ambiance that can rather quickly make me feel very uncomfortable, but I've never experienced it here. Perhaps its the lighting, not as dark and gloomy as, say, Saloon. Tends to attract a generally mixed age crowd of locals. Plenty of seating available along the bar, with several comfortable deep cushioned booths along the one side -- but also plenty of standing room when I'm feeling too ancy to sit. Not big on pool myself, but there are 2 or 3 tables if that's your thing (make sure to signup on waitlist, people always seems to be bickering over whose turn it is). Other amenities include the always occupied foosball, jukebox, several TV's, video poker, and occasional milf-gazing. Plenty of lot parking right out front.

    Drinks are cheap for the area, your standard booze offerings and a minimal yet sufficient selection of tap or bottled beers. The well bourbon is not too bad. Mens restroom can be a little grim, but I've certainly seen much much worse -- who craps at a bar anyways!?!? I've never seen it super busy, so I've never had a problem getting a drink right away. Bartenders have been friendly from the get-go for me, so if you're getting ignored you're probably doing something wrong. Their bar-back gal is also very kind and efficient.

    Free ATM for citibank/credit unions in the 7/11 next door.

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    I haven't been in here in forever because of some ingrained stigma and ended up having an awesome time. The crowd was great and there was good music playing all night long. We had a great bartender that was always around even though it was pretty busy. I'll definitely be stopping by again soon.

    One thing to note: I'm not sure about the spots directly in front of the bar, but a lot of the parking lot is 2 hour parking only; if you need to leave your car over night you might want to park on a side street.

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    It's a great dive. Good people. Cheap drinks. Smart ass bartenders and an element of danger, all of the things a good dive needs. You might even go home with someone, who knows? It is exactly what it tries to be and no more, so if you came here looking for something upscale...you're an idiot. Take that shit to Dini's

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    Came here this past Saturday with some friends randomly. We were bar hopping and found this place. It wasn't too crowded and the bar tender was pretty chill & attentive. Bottles of Coors were averagely priced @ $3.50 I believe, this place is CASH Only but they have an ATM on site, $2 fee... They got 2 pool tables and the men's room was cleaner than I expected lol...  For a dive bar hidden on the side of the Albertson's mini plaza, the place wasn't that bad but not that great either. I can see how it would be a chill spot once you get to know the bartender's and some of the locals who visit frequently. 2.5 stars

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    Strong, cheap drinks, clean bathrooms, nice bartenders, jukebox, and no fancy pretentious BS. That's an all around win for me.

    I don't play pool, but if you like that kinda thing there are a couple of pool tables. I prefer to park it at the bar or one of the booths. Those booths are comfortable!

    Everyone I've met here has been really nice, and it's always a good, relaxing time.

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    I'm going to spare the random jabs at hipsters and crummy lighting. This is a dive bar, not French Laundry. I'm going to talk about the service.

    My friends and I ordered three beers. I think all they had at the time were Budweisers, which is fine. I'm here to chat and lounge with my friends.

    It took fifteen minutes to get three beers. He forgot about us twice. TWICE. We're polite and patient people and didn't say anything but when the beers arrived, we didn't tip because why am I tipping for something like that?

    Anyway, we go back for another round of beers, and he flat-out ignores us. We try to get his attention, and he, I can't even make this up, says, "I'll help anybody but THESE guys."

    Now I'm a man with a sense of humor, and I thought this was pretty damned funny. Except then I realized he was not joking. He really didn't want to serve us because we didn't tip on his crappy service.

    Not once have I ever seen their permanent bartender smile or even make eye contact with anyone at the bar, and overhearing him talk to his coworkers is all completely negative about his hatred for customers.

    Maybe it's time to find another job, man. You are burned out and a miserable shell. Hipsters and bros aside, this is the worst bar I've been to south of San Francisco. Several exits down in Encinitas you can check out the myriad of other bars that are infinitely better.

    I won't be coming back, and I hope you all heed my warning to never even bother with this place either.

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    What a difference a year or four makes.

    I'd totally forgotten about The Tee since I'd written my 2007 review.  When I'd stop by the nearby dry cleaner, gas station, Albertsons, and Texas Liquor, the Tee would vaguely register as That Place Where People Still Smoke Inside.

    A couple of weeks ago I was invited on by there.  Five minutes after an incredulous "why... there...?" I was putting away Jack & Cokes, the type that use just enough Coke to change the color of the drink slightly. And then I saw three things that just shocked the crap out of me:

    * People smoking... OUTSIDE?!
    * Tourists!  Yes, weekend visitors from Minnesota who'd somehow found the place and were tearing it up.
    * Insufferable hipsters!  A few years ago any dude sporting girl jeans and geek glasses w/o lenses would be quickly dispatched to the dumpster in the back alley (along with the tourists).

    Wow, Tee.  I'll be back!

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    A friend told me we should go to the Golden Tee.  I've heard about it.. but, have never been here.  It's not too far off the 5 which is great for the location.

    We stopped by on a Wed night.  It was pretty dead.  Bottled domestic beers were $3.00.  The pool tables were open... so free pool. Yeeha.  It was slow enough we were able to get several games in then a couple wanted to play so we played dutch doubles which was fun.

    I have to say... this is not the place to get mixed drinks.  I got a mind eraser and they do not have kahlua.... the coffee liquour that was put in the drink left a horrible taste in my mouth.  Later my friend bought B 52-'s and whelp It obviously wasn't real baileys  and the shot had a bad taste.. I couldn't finish it.  The beers were on ice... so they weren't like really cold.  

    The bartender was friendly and so were the customers.  Before we left I got my hiney kicked playing foosball!  It was a  fun night!

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    I've been kicked out of one bar in my entire life. The Tee is it. This musky, rank, battered old bar is loved by the waste of western society and loathed by anyone with common sense.

    The clientele at this establishment ranges from angry young white men looking for blood to coked up locals who refuse to leave the confines of the town in which they have lived for 20+ years. The owner, Paul, is one of the biggest douchenozzles in recent history. He seems like the kind of guy who never had any friends in his youth. The kind of guy who was picked on every single day. The kind of guy who thinks that Hawaiian shirts are still cool to wear on a daily basis. He makes up for this hole in his soul by hosting creatures who would have probably hoisted him up a flagpole by his tighty whiteys will simultaneously pelting him with rocks that have the words "Paul is gay" on them. Allow me to tell you a story.

    When I was 19, I went to the Tee one night. It was crowded as is it normally is. Old cigarette smoke lingered in the infantile atmosphere made up of angry blue collar workers and Hoover nosed party hags. I went to buy a drink from the bar where one of my friends was sitting. No other seats were available save for one next to my friend which all ready had a fresh drink placed sloppily in front of it. I decided to take said seat in wait of the rightful owner. Upon request, I planned on returning the seat to the rightful cheeks. 30 minutes went by. I decided the seat and drink were abandoned. I drank the drink. Not more than 5 seconds went by and an angry woman stumbles up and asks me if I drank her drink. I, of course, tell her no. Paul, the sprightly bar master he is, pointed and yelled in my face informing this young lady that I drank her drink. He then informed her that I will buy her a new one at triple the price. I had a different view of how things would pan out and sent the cup air express towards the general direction of Paul's head. Paul did not like the cut of my jib and told me to leave or he was calling the cops. So i left.

    People do cocaine off the tables in there and I get kicked out for drinking a drink...essentially. If you're looking for a fight or think you're life is too perfect at the current time, visit this place.

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    Hmmm, How or why did I ever end up in this dive? Have I sunk that low? Perhaps

    Was way overdressed in jeans with pumps, sat in a booth - no waitress, figures. This place has seen better days.

    Crowd was, guessing here, a mixture of local fringe types with no where better to go. If you are into dives then this is the place for you my friend, just not the place for me. The bartender was prompt and friendly enough and they actually have a juke box.

    I felt the need for a good scrubbing shortly thereafter.

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    Lovingly referred to by locals as "The Tee", this lounge has some of the best features of a dive bar that you can hope for:

    -Exremely low lighting (be careful who you meet here!)
    -Decor and furniture that has cleary been around since it was established.
    -Questionable bathrooms
    -Cheap beer.
    -BYOG (Bring your own grub)
    -Pool tables
    -Foos Ball

    .....and of course, it wouldn't be what it is without the Golden Tee Video Game from back in 1990!

    Fun times at the T!

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    met my sister here for some drinks over some billiards.   very dark, local dive bar, but perfect for our purpose there.   cheap, dark, friendly.  perfect place to hide from the rest of the world for a few hours

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    Pretty decent strip mall dive bar mix of people. Dark, unassuming, and unpretentious. Lots of regulars and lots of tourists trying to find a place that isn't swarming w/ drunk Bros.  Pool, sports on the TV's, and meaningless chatter.

    The bartenders pour the stiff, cheap ones, but they can also pull the asshole card when skipping the patron's picks on the jukebox. I guess it's their prerogative, since they're the ones that hear the same crappy song choices over and over again.

    Basically, I come here after work to meet up with the sis, ya know, so her ass isn't stumbling home. Though, on occasion you might see my staggering ass too.

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    This place is the greatest people watching experience ever. The drinks are cheap for Carlsbad and the bartenders have got a heavy pour. Nice. Don't drive here, you'll be faced by the time you leave.

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    Its a dark little hole to dive into when you dont feel like being seen.  I give it 2 stars even though I still go, though typically only to shoot pool and rarely to converse.  The bartender can be an asshole, and as said before me, dont come here expecting to find love.  But it is local, and it is a full bar, and there's pool tables.  Lots of sitting room though.

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    I like the TEE, its a total dive which i enjoy! On one side they have pool tables, video poker machines and i forgot if they have darts or not (a sign of a good night). On the other side as you walk in they have a row of booth tables. The bar is located in the middle. Its cash only..that sucks! But they have an atm located inside. Drinks are decent priced. The have a jukebox!!!! The crowd is a good mix of people so its a nice place to go and kick back if you dont want to deal with the crowd over at the cantina

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    Two stars for the the two $4 well drinks that got me wasted.

    Do not go here to:
    meet your soul mate
    if you want to hear your friend talk to you because the Juke Box fricken blasts
     if you were born in Europe
    (our two European friends came with us, one with their passport and one their Euro ID Card, the bartender screamed so the whole bar could hear "No Passport! Get out of Hear! You can not be in hear! Leave Now!" there is no need to scream and make someone embarrassed because they didn't want to bring their passport in case she might lose it, all you need to say in a voice loud enough for HER ONLY to hear "we can not accept this ID card" thats all! that bartender whoever he was, was unnecessarily an asshole,  who for the rest of the night snubbed the rest of the group who stayed.

    I have heard also that they have gotten closed down for underage drinking so i understand a little bit why they could be oversensitive to the matter but i mean lets be real

    oh and i agree with one of the comments about the middle age bartender woman with blond hair, i wanted to leave a note under her tip "lay off the crack, you'll look better"

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    The Tee is, without a doubt, the greatest dive in North County.  You haven't lived until you've had a few shots of whatever, downed a few Jager bombs, and played Golden Tee at the Golden Tee.  The crowd is usually decent, though on the weekends you should show up before 10 if you want to get in the place and actually drink.  Lots of regulars, so you'll see the same peeps there all the time.

    Sadly, the place loses a star because, last I checked, Paulie is no longer working there.  Dave is totally cool though, so as long as he's there, it's worth a stop every now and again.  

    Oh yeah, if you ever walk in and see a blonde bartender in her mid-30's, feel free to leave the place and come back when her shift is over.  Don't know what her problem is, but she is completely unfriendly and apparently hates her job.  Zero points.

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    Not so good! At first I thought this was going to be good enough to make my local hang out. Then I noticed the crowd. The place ends up with a line after 11, and there are a lot of scumbags that have long ago made this thier alcaholic haven.
    So I would pass!
    The bartenders are cool though, Pauly is the best.

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