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  • Has TV
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    Best of many good breweries in Chicago. Wish there were TVs, but there is fresh Half Acre beer. Can't ask for much more.

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    I enjoy the space, enjoyed the company and the brewery is fun, probably one of the most fun (but least informative) tour I had and free beer. So, when I was invited out to meet up with my bud and some of his brewer buddies at the tap room. I dropped what I was doing and left.

    I can't say that I like their regular lineup. Well, I like them, they're decent but nothing that makes me want to keep an eye out for them. However, I've always enjoyed their seasonals and their collaboration beers.

    That being said, Iron Brass, their Belgian Trippel was a tasty, slightly fruity beer with that had a slightly bitter finish to it.

    Service was pretty nonexistent except for the guy who checked my ID at the front. The rest of my beers were brought to me by friends, new and old-that's what happens when you drink.

    I think I'll come back every once in a while to try out their firkin beers and some of the stuff they put just for the tap room but I'll go look for bombers to take home.

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    A very clean, pleasant taproom. Far from the dank pit all bars resemble, it's classy but not pretentious. Nice high ceilings and skylights give it an almost open-air feeling. Ten taps, four sizes of drinkware, and an ever-rotating lineup of brews makes for a new and exciting experience every time. Bartenders are reliably nice and well-versed on the lineup, and I love the option to BYOF. Good space, good beers, good people, good times.

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