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    This was probably the best meal of my life. I'm also not too well versed in fancy dining (see other yelp reviews), but I still like to think my palate is refined. It is minorly annoying that you can only get a reservation online- but if you call ahead of time, they can put you on a waiting list for a specific day and if something opens up, they will call you (which is how I got my reservation). Even though I thought it was far-fetched to get a valentines day reservation, I put my name on the waiting list, and to my surprise they called me two days before to let me know there was an opening! My boyfriend (who's birthday happens to be Valentines Day) and I were super excited. They recommended bringing a sparkling white wine and a good pinot noir as the complementary wines- let me reiterate how much I LOVE BYOB anything btw. The meal was about 2.5 hours long, which was great because it gave us time to digest everything and feel full, but not overly stuffed by the end.
    Nina Nugent (Chef Nugent's wife) was a wonderful hostess and really made us feel welcome and comfortable. She had Chef Nugent sign a menu for my boyfriend's birthday and there was a candle in the last dessert. Would love to return at some point in the future. The price was obviously a little higher, but not outlandish for the amazing food and service we received.
    Also- I have learned that if you "like" Goosefoot on Facebook, they announce when they have openings for same night tables. So if you're having trouble getting a reservation, it may be worth it to follow them on the book.

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    2nd best restaurant in Chicago (only behind the super ridiculous Alinea).  The food is amazing and very reasonably priced considering the quality.  Some restaurants you save up for and go once....I honestly would go to Goosefoot every three months so I can experience the delicious tasting menu each time it rotates.  

    Keep doing whatever you are doing...as your cuisine matches up with anything my wife and I have had in Chicago (except Alinea) or during our Michelin star focused travels through Europe.

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    My husband and I went last night. Earlier this week, I randomly came across an open reservation on open table and snatched it up! So glad I did - AWESOME!!! Food was excellent, service was outstanding, and you certainly can't complain about BYOB! Can't wait to go back!

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