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    Really Really nice place with nice people.  Drinks not overly priced.  Men not pawing all over you.  Just a really nice place.  I went to karaoke for the first time about a month ago and really enjoyed myself.  I've been going back since.

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    It used to be my regular place to hang out! Oh well!

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    The hideaway.  What can I say about it?

    It's a two level bar and dance hall.  They have dancers on certain nights.  The music (on the two nights I went) was pretty decent. The drinks are average price and are very good, not too weak, not too strong, but just right.  Just don't gulp them down too quickly.  The people there can be very....interesting; I was there on a Saturday evening in the downstairs bar and was truly the youngest person there (and I'm 34).  Needless to say it was all eyes on me.

    The Hideaway.  A nice place to go on occasion.

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    This is a creepy old-man gay bar, and it was great fun for me & my GF.  Being a close resident & gay I somehow missed this place growing up and never even knew it existed.  Well I came here on a random Saturday night with one of my best gay guy friends who is a regular.  Although we are in our mid-20's the median age is definitely nearing 40's maybe more?  I think it was because we were so young that we received the royal treatment.  Mixed drinks were $2, the bartender made us a round of shots on him.  The men there all were very nice, but I think it was more because they wanted to hook up with my guy friend with the "daddy" complex.  But who cares it was fun.  There is Karaoke and a large oval shaped bar on the first floor & another large bar on the second floor with a dance floor that no-one was on except 1 woman preparing for her show.  They did have a few go-go dancers and some more men fingering dollar bills into their thongs.  This was rather entertaining for me to experience.  I can't wait to go back with some more friends soon.

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    That's right, Forest Park has a gay bar.  Now that the Nut Bush is closed, the Hideaway stands alone.  It's a dark 1970's bar on the first floor and a happening dance club on the second.
    Ladies, if you're looking for a local bachelorette activity, there's a male go-go dancer on Saturday nights.  I think they do "Fashion Shows" once a month too.
    The drinks are mixed strong and the crowd is friendly.

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    This is the first gay bar that I ever had an awareness of. I used to live down the street from Hideaway as a wee lad, but I never knew it was a gay bar until a rumor that one of the local middle school algebra teachers was seen entering it. But even then, I had no idea how a "gay bar" was different from a regular bar because I didn't really know what being gay meant. Amusing thing to think about when you're raging cocksucker now (yeah YOU, not me!)

    So I walked into Hideaway (a name that is perhaps too reminiscent of the more closeted years) not sure what to expect. Back then, the entire building was painted black with barely any signage announcing its existence. Now it has some stripes on the outside with a big-ass "H" logo painted in front. It isn't much of a facelift and I think it runs against the idea of a "hideaway" but whatever. In I walked, which started my tour of west suburban gay bars. Inside there were three regulars sitting who immediately introduced themselves. I've forgotten everyone's name, including the young bartender's. Bombay Sapphire & tonic on what they call "Call 'Em Tuesdays" cost me an AMAZING $3!!! And they weren't chinzy small glasses either!

    The inside looks like there hasn't been much remodeling done in the 30 or so years the bar has been open. I assume the carpet has been changed at least once. They have a large bar that dominates the first floor and then a pool table and darts playing area. Also, there is a second floor that I was told is only open from Thursday through the weekend. It was seriously dead inside with Dancing with the Stars on the flat screen television, but the regulars were chatting it up with the bartender and the manager who seemed to materialize out of nowhere. This manager was another throwback from long gone era, as he was still rockin' a thick mustache like it was the '70s and we were in a gaysplotation film.

    Once Bob Saget's new ABC sitcom came on, I knew my time to leave was soon (not so much because of Bob, who is a sick, dirty motherfucker - which I enjoy; watch the movie "The Aristocrats" to see what I mean - because it was showing in HD in gay bar). I hear that Hideaway had quite a heyday and maybe it still gets it going on the weekends but on Monday, it wasn't kind of quiet. But as it has for over three decades, I am sure it will soldier on!

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    Okay, I'm not gay, but my girlfriend is.

    This is a predominately male gay bar on most nights. Which is great because that means I can drink and dance at leisure without being pawed at. The upstairs has the dance floor, the weaker drinks, and the male go-go dancers who gyrate to the music for tips in their cute little thongs. The older bartender downstairs is really sweet and friendly and makes a good stiff drink. I think his name is Ernie? Expect big kisses from Ernie when leaving. The owner was really nice and let my girlfriend park her big-ass Suburban in their lot overnight when she had too much to drink.

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