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    Mixed opinion about this place. The first time I went there I was there with a group for over 4 hours. So incredibly slow with terrible service. The last time I went there I had such great service. My waiters name was Dre and he was AWESOME! Such a blast, so much fun, super fast and attentive, just like a restaurant should be. Wish that was how it was my first time! But definitely not the worst place in the world.

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    Honestly, this place deserves a -1 star.  And if you look at my review history, that says a lot - over 2/3 of my reviews are 4 or 5 stars.  Here are some points which make this place pure dog poop.

    1- They seem to think they are running a nightclub where it looks cool to have a continuously full doorway area.  Tonight I counted three four-person tables sit empty for over twenty minutes while the waiting area was packed.  The hostesses/waitresses seemed more interested in chatting with each other than flipping tables.  

    2- Their kitchen is ALWAYS behind.  Don't believe the "we are really busy tonight" line.  They are just poorly run.

    3- Their announcements are really annoying.  They continuously interrupt games with their microphone announcements.  Do I want to reserve a seat at your restaurant for the superbowl?  Heck no!!  Not when you are so annoying!!

    I could go on, but it's not worth my time.  Basically, this place seems popular no matter what reviewers say... they only way we can hope for a change (because I would like a good wings place nearby) is to STOP GOING HERE.   So please,


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    It tastes really different. Very spicy. The service is horrible

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