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    Can't go wrong with the garlic naked wings.  They have such a great flavor and none of the grease and breading that come with their regular wings.

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    My husband and I took my parents here for the first time, they both loved it and really enjoyed themselves.  My dad didn't know what Hooters was about, he thought it was a topless venue and we took him so that he could experience the place for himself.  He said he will definitely be back to eat here again.  He got the ham and cheese sandwich and loved it, my mom got the boneless wings and she liked them as well as the fries.  Let me just say Hooters is not a topless venue, it is a nice restaurant where you and your children can go and enjoy themselves.  They have children's menus with crayons for the little ones to keep them occupied while they wait for their food.  They take very good care of the kids as well as you.  

    My parents both have a hard time getting around so we had to wait about 15 minutes to have  seating at a low seat table, but generally you can walk right in and sit down if you are not picky about where you sit.  Their tables do have bar stools as chairs and are raised so be aware if you want other seating you need to tell them when you get there.  They are very accommodating to your needs.  

    We had very good service, she kept us all happy and sometimes that isn't always easy to do lol!   I highly recommend Hooters if you are looking for a fun and friendly atmosphere.  We will be back, our kids ask us all the time if we can eat at Hooters and we will again.

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    Service has gotten better lately. Crab legs are no longer on special and set you back $12.99/lb which is still a great deal!!

    My son loves the food and they have some half-price deals early on week nights!

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    Nice atmosphere, and friendly waitresses. My problem is with their food. Almost everything I've ever had there is terrible, except the burgers are pretty good.  Their Philly is one of the worst sandwiches I've ever had! (I tried it several times)

    If you are coming here to drink and hang out: 4 stars. If you are looking for food, I recommend going elsewhere.

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    If you're going to Hooter's for anything but the food and drink, this is  the only location in Indianapolis I would visit.  The girls actually take pride in their appearance, enjoy their jobs and know that better service leads to good tips.

    As this location has motorcycle parking, all you can eat Wings specials and a recently expanded menu with items such as loaded tater tots, fried pickles and daytona shrimp.

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    Hey it's Hooters!  If you have never heard of this place, it's a sports bar with scantily clad waitresses who are very friendly (because they are told to be).  My teenage boys love the place because it's lively and friendly.  And they learn a little about flirting, which is important for any teenager.  The place is well lit and does not portray a bar atmosphere.  If you are a religious nut, you will not like this place because you will hate that the waitresses don't swallow their anger (like repressed right wing religious nutz).

    The wings are breaded and fried in a variety of types of sauce.  The hot sauce is not THAT hot, but you'll regret it the next day.

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