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    great NOW OPEN
    Now open. after a 2 year renovation, it was definitely worth waiting for. new owners. clean. updated with a nostalgic, iconic feel. great fast food. wonderful music. friendly and inviting atmosphere. great customer service. I loved it.

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    I'm so excited for the reopening of Janson's. They have the BEST cheese, which also means the best cheese fries, and cheese dogs. Their tacos have the perfect amount of grease, and the strawberry banana shakes are a classic. They've been doing trivia questions on Facebook to win a 25 dollar gift card, which a couple of my friends and I were lucky to win. Can't wait to indulge! This is a must go to place if you're wandering the streets of Western or looking for a place with a history of great food and Southside originality.

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    If you have a taste for a sloppy greasy neighbor-"hood" burger, Janson's is your best bet.  It could be a tad cleaner though...just saying.

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    I hate to use the word "iconic," but for hard-core Southsiders, Janson's is indeed iconic.  It also happens to be a crave destination for area pregnant women. (I know this through personal experience.) It's 5 star as far as diners go, so don't expect a sit-down experience--the only tables are outside, or "al fresco" as a reviewer once called them. (Somehow "Janson's" and "al fresco" don't seem to fit in the same sentence.) The food is dependably good, they give you a lot of it, and the shakes are superlative. Their signature shake is the banana or banana-strawberry...real fruit, very fresh, enjoy ! If you drop by at dinnertime on a summer weekend, expectl ong lines. This place has its devotees. Unsurprisingly.

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    This place used to be great but borderline sucks now.

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    In the nine years I have lived in the Beverly area I have visited Jansons three times. Twice for a milkshake and once for the "chilli" dog. Twice I have been disappointed. The first time, they forgot to put the banana in my banana shake. Why else do you stop at a place that advertises "Fresh Fruit" milkshakes but to get a milkshake with fruit. The last time, and probably the final time, was last week to satisfy my craving for a chilli dog. I knew something was up when I saw the beans overflowing the bun. I guess my definition of chilli is different than Jansons. I did not see one piece of ground beef and I did not taste anything spicy. So, go for the shakes (maybe) but leave the food alone.

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    I am always happy when I remember Janson's. I got a double cheese, mozzarella sticks and a chocolate shake (typical diet foods) and I loved all three. Janson's never disappoints and if you want good "drive in" fare, you can't go wrong. Moderately priced and quick service. Not much inside, a stand up counter to eat at, but plenty of outdoor seating. Get one of the shakes.

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    The main reason to go to Jansons is the banana milkshakes. Real pieces of banana! Usually I'm a chocolate shake girl, but those are really very good.

    Other than the occasional pizza puff or hot dog (I KNOW, terrible, but sometimes you gotta have it) I don't eat here much though. The fries are the kind I like, thin and crispy. For better, yet more expensive fast food, check out Top Notch on 95th.

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    Not bad...inexpenseive... decent quality... this place has been here ever sincei can remember... way back when evergreen plaza had a movie theater... so they must be doing something right lol!

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    Today I went to this resturunt and me and my mom had to fish  very tasty 5 stars when I come back I well get a banana. Shake

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    Milkshakes are the best! Nothing else compares... Burgers, dogs and (cheese) fries are the best. Stay away from the tuna melt. It's served cold and the tuna isn't the freshest. This spot is definitely a gut-buster so if you go here normally, I hope you have a gym membership-unless you're pushing for experiencing a heart-attack or diabetes. Enjoy!

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    Hasn't been the same since it was sold years ago. I believe it was actually run by a family named Janson. Still a decent place to eat.

    Anybody remember "Snyders" hot dogs across the street?

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    Like many reviewers I grew up eating at Janson's, and so I have a soft spot in my heart (or maybe a clogged spot in my heart) for their grilled cheese sandwiches, grilled tuna fish sandwiches, hot dogs, pizza puffs, skinny fries, shakes and malts, and extremely odd but delicious "tacos". I used to be jealous of the little league team that had them as their sponsor in the Beverly Ridge league, because I though it was so much cooler than some real estate office.

    I really can't tell you to drive here just for the food, because you could do better elsewhere, but if you really like experiencing a neighborhood by eating at the place they truly love to eat, stop here when you're in the area. Because people who live in this area mostly really love Janson's, for better or worse, and because Janson's has barely changed at all in a long, long time, so you're experiencing what the last 30-odd years of customers have experienced.

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    Excellent pizza puffs and fries.

    Hot dogs are not all beef and therefore, are no good.
    I think there are better places for greasy food on the southside, i.e. pop's.

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    Oustanding. I grew up on this stuff. Great for burgers, dogs, shakes and, of course, the cheese fries cannot be beat.

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    I do a lot of shopping for wine making supplies at Bev-Art at 105th. and Western and pass by Jansons all the time. It looked like my kind of place for fast food as it  looks like it's been around forever.
    We finally decided to stop in for a beef sandwich - Big Mistake ! Absolutely the worst beef in Chicago.
    No flavor no taste at all and not even on Italian bread, a mushy white bun. Yuk!
    Maye for hot dogs and a shake - but no thanks for the beef.

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    Janson's is a great South Side joint with quick hot food & ice cold shakes that doesn't have a drive-thru. In so many ways, this place is summer. Most of my Janson's memories include "Soul Train" playing on the tiny TV inside their enclosed ordering alley. "Do you remember?" Don Cornelius bellowing out that overly dramatic introduction for "Earth-Wind-and Fire." That means Saturdays, late mornings and early afternoons waiting for a pizza puff, a chili dog and some Green River to feed my hunger. So it was crazy that during my last visit, what was the soundtrack to making my deep-fried taco order, Dapper Don prepping the most beautifully Afro-ed dancers to prepare to meet the elements: Earth-Wind- & Fire.

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    In the time it takes you to ingest a bucket of fresh, real banana milkshake and some excellent jalapeno poppers, you are guaranteed to see at least three ambulances scream by.

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    I hit this place up about 11:30 on a friday. The food was really good. I had the #6. A gyros with fries. The tots were the best around. But the one door in and the same door out was very annoying. They had the garbage can blocking the second exit? I was trying to eat at the counter, Not stools, No room. Fergedaboutit. I had people standing on top of me waiting for their food. And it wasn't busy yet. I did not want to bring the sack in my car. It would take a week to get the smell out. As I was looking around the counter , I wondered if the health inspector ever made it this side of the tracks? Probably Not. I'll stick to Dukes. They at least have a mop.

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    Five stars for the memories.  
    I won't tell you how many years ago, make that decades, I went hamburger cruisin' through Jansons with my two BFFs from Morgan Park HS, Peek & Penny.  I was Puff.
    We had our summer Saturday agenda:  
    First we took a bus to Rainbow Beach and got a sunburn, and put peroxide/lemon juice in our hair to make blond streaks.
    Then, looking slick as shit, we needed a little something new to wear.....so next was shopping at Evergreen Plaza.
    Then, come evening, we piled in somebody's parent's car and headed out on our route: we hit a few places up the street, including A & W, perhaps down to Rainbow Cone for a sugar fix, then always we ended up at Jansons because that's where the boys were. The cute boys from Brother Rice, to be precise.
    Do any old people remember a girl in a dark blue Corvette cruising the Beverly drive-ins?  That was me!  And I still am looking for the f*ucker who threw the eggs that one night!
    And hey....talk about dedication to cruisin':  when I wrecked my leg in a car accident on my college spring break, and came back to Chi in a body cast, my BFFs took me through Jansons to lift my spirits.  I could not bend in the middle, I had to be either standing or lying flat on my back.......so I laid across the back seat of Peek's big car and waved at everyone.  Couldn't see a thing, and all they could see of me was my arm.  But hey, it's the thought that counts......
    Jansons, you will never be forgotten.

    (Somebody post a photo to this listing!  I'm in LA, can't do it myself!)

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    The banana shake didn't wow me as much as everyone says it should but it wasn't bad.  I also really enjoyed my two tacos and how they slowly fell apart onto their wrapping on the picnic table outside and I loved eating everything that fell out of them.  It's pretty far south but in warmer months it's definitely recommended and I anticipate a return trip.

    Cash only.

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    Another great classic institution in Beverly(besides Original Rainbow Cone, and NOT one that you can merely just go to the Taste to try, but actually have to make the trip down here to go to it!). The cheese fries are definitely worth getting, if you're ever in this neck of Chicago. And its a good thing I was meeting someone at Evergreen Plaza, otherwise, I never would've been lucky enough to finally try this place out, which was already(back then) on my list of places to try.

    And mmmmm, such greasy goodness those (cheesy!) fries are. :)

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    4 and 5 stars is way too generous.  This place is living off it's past.
    Janson's has long since passed it's prime.  They moved Snyder's Hot Dogs into their side of 99th and now ignore what were the best hot dogs in Beverly (don't know about elsewhere, it was a looong time ago).

    I'll just head west to WoJo's thanks.

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    The service isn't as good as it used to be, and my last milkshake from there was without whipped cream (and my inner child wept profusely), but they're still delicious.  Oh my god, the cheese fries.  I know it's just Cheez Whiz, but damn.  So delicious.

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    I've been eating here since I was a fetus. As noted, banana shakes are the best in the metro area and the hot dogs are fantastic.

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    Best cheese dogs, cheese fries, and banana shakes in town. Very retro, and very unhealthy.

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