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    I seriously DO NOT get what alll the hype is about!

    These sandwiches are mediocre at best, I mean I could make a better sandwich myself.  There aren't many different options and the options they do have are sandwiches I could make.

    I tried a roast beef sandwich and tried my friends, both were so plain and eh.  I think its way overpriced for a sandwich I could make at home!  Wasn't even as good as subway and subway isn't too great.  

    The chips aren't good either, which I found upsetting.  The only ok thing I guess was the drinks, which says a lot.

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    I catered my son's 3rd birthday party through Jimmy John's online.  It was incredibly easy and pain free. I was able to pinpoint which location was closest to my event and on route through their website.  
    Prices are fair and you have 10 sandwiches to choose from.  After submitting your order, someone on staff will call and verify your order and go over any changes.  
    We picked up our sandwiches at the scheduled time and I must stress how super courteous and friendly their staff was.  Not only was everything ready and beautifully displayed, they carried it out to our car!  For what it is, the sandwiches are super yummy.

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