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    Tenia is great.

    She's talented.
    She's thoughtful.
    And she GENUINELY cares about her students and about the dance.

    Put those together and you get a dance instructor who pays attention to details and who is easy to approach when you "just don't get it" so that you're actually learning.

    She has a strong fan base and following for those reasons.

    If you're thinking of taking salsa dance lessons, take them with Tenia.  You won't regret it.

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    Let me just get this out here... I was NOT born to dance.  I was born to go out on the dance floor, bust a few moves like Elaine from Seinfeld, then run away and cry.

    For some reason, I decided several years ago to fight genetics by taking up salsa dancing.  My first series of classes at a community college would probably have been fine for a normal person, but, for a no-dancin' fool like me, they were stressful and occasionally humiliating.  Yuck.

    So, I came to the conclusion that I needed some one-on-one help.  I took private lessons with about 10 salsa instructors, and Tenia from Learn to Salsa was my favorite.  

    She's an amazing dancer... smooth, sexy and just the kinda gal I want to be when I grow up.  But, more importantly, she's a great teacher... she can break things down and explain them in a way that even dance-o-phobics like me can understand and her instruction has the perfect balance of compassion and humor so you can laugh at yourself but never feel like a fool when you make mistakes.

    If that wasn't enough, she's COOL... funny, slightly evil and FABULOUS!  Not only were my lessons with Tenia the high point of my week, they were the turning point for my dancing... and probably the thing that kept me from giving up on salsa and taking up underwater basketweaving instead.

    Now, go let Tenia teach you how to shake your thang... nobody does it better!!

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