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    I saw literally one cute lady! I thought this was the famous lodge????? The dancing was dull and I counted only ONE pair of real titties!!! Where are the young......perky...... Pretty girls? All the women here were mid thirties EASILY! The food was ok but not impressive. Then a guy came to the stage and wiped it down w so much rubbing alcohol the crowd almost died from the fumes. Now the inside was lovely very beautiful I just wish they would've had the girls to match! Also it was two shades here either a small pocket of black girls or mostly white girls all with huge nasty fake titties! Where's the sexy Latinas!!!!! I mean c'mon there was cottage cheese legs and thighs every left and right turn! I sorry I dnt mean to be rude but I couldn't believe that "they" say the lodge has the best looking girls.... M not BUYIN!

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    I have literally gone back to this place for nothing more than their club sandwich. It is delicious, and I will hustle the chef for the special sauce if I ever meet him. Personally, I tip my hat to Rick K. I don't think reviews get better than that. This place is so entertaining. Good food, beautiful women, fine interior. If we go to a strip club before most bars close at 2am, we go to the Lodge.

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    Hey, who wants to go look at nekkid ladies and eat $10 prime rib for lunch? ME!

    The Lodge has been our boobie/prime rib spot twice now and I gotta say it don't disappoint. The noon girls aren't bad lookin'. The food is great for what you get at the price you pay. There are beer specials after 4 (if your lunch turns into late afternoon fun). Honestly, some of the girls were kind of snooty and if they were a bit more friendly (hello, ever heard of a snooty stripper?) they mighta gotten a bit more $ out of our group. Whatever. Go for the view, not the conversation, right?

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    What do you do when your friend invites you to a birthday lunch at The Lodge?  Well, you go of course.  The cozy, lodgey, upscale-ish feel was a perfect mix for this Friday rainy afternoon.

    Our waitress was slooooowww.  Painfully slow.  Friday is prime rib Friday, for $10.  The Yelp reviews do not lie about how good the food is.  The meat was quite tasty, and came with a loaded baked potato.  Seriously you can't beat the price! (why do I feel funny for using meat, loaded and beat in a review for this place...)

    I was pleasantly surprised of how cute all the dancers were.  I've always heard horror stories about the lunch time dancer.

    This would obviously not be a regular lunch spot, but if someone wanted to go again for their bday, I would not say no!

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    3/29/2012 Update:  Went to lunch today at The Lodge and was surprised by a couple of things.  First of all, the cover increases from $2 to $5 at 2PM.  Second, you can no longer order a glass of water (even for $3) unless you have ordered 2 items already.  I was told it's because they can't make money on the lunches otherwise.  I thought that is why they sold the glasses of tap water for $3 but apparently that is not enough.  You have to order at least a tea or soft drink with your meal for $5.  Today, I ended up spending $18 in total for the $5 Pork Chop meal ($5 cover, $5 ice-tea, $5 Pork Chop, plus taxes plus tip.  Had I ordered a hamburger, chicken ceasar salad, or any other items on the $5 menu I would have still spent $18.  So much for the great lunch "deal".  I thought they were using the lunch deal to entice people to further patronize their club (ie if I eat at lunch then obv I will come back in the evening..i was considering a VIP membership).  Apparently they are trying to make some serious profit on this lunch deal though.  So, please revise my numbers up on the Monday steak meal (below) to $21 before 2pm and $24 from 2pm until 4pm)

    Also, the Lodge's website menu lists the lunch specials as $10 each day.  However, at the club it listed today's Filet + Lobster special at $15.  Quite the difference.  Had I ordered that, I would have experienced a total of $10 in unexpected costs (plus more tips/taxes) that I didn't pay on Monday ($5 extra for meal, $3 extra cover, $2 extra drink cost).  On the positive, the place was busy today and the women were top notch (night shift quality), much better than on Monday.  However, I just felt like I was being nickled and dimed to pieces.  I haven't felt like that at The Men's Club which is very upfront about it's prices.  This is why I have revised my rating of this club down and why I will make The Men's Club my destination of choice for lunch.  The Lodge is still the best overall club in Dallas with the best looking women but if they need charge $7 for their lunch then do it rather than being sneaky about it ($5 = great deal;  $18 = horrible deal)

    3/26/2012 Original Review:  I have been to clubs throughout the country including Las Vegas, Miami, Houston, and Dallas and this is definitely the top club I've been to.  The ambience is great, the club is well run, and the women are beautiful.  The "day shift" girls here are often like the night shift at other clubs (ie top quality).

    I'd specifically like to speak to my most recent experience at lunch.  The Lodge has $5 lunch specials daily as well as a $10 lunch special M-Sa (varies each day).  I visited on Monday and ordered the $10 NY Strip.  I can't claim to be a great steak connoisseur, but the NY Strip is my favorite cut of meat and this one did not disappoint.  It was grilled a perfect "medium" as requested and the chipotle butter was an outstanding addition.  Definitely one of the best steaks I have ever had.  Please note, that $10 really isn't $10 though.  I actually spent $19 and here is the breakdown: ($10 steak + baked potato, $3 glass of water, $2 cover, $3 tip, + tax).  For me, this was still well worth it.  For a $5 meal I would expect to spend $13 ($5 meal, $3 water, $2 cover, $3 tip and taxes).  I drink water with my meals and don't know if soft drinks cost more than $3.

    The waitress was extremely helpful and was constantly checking up on me (refilling water etc).  There were 2 small issues:  1) I asked what was on the baked potato and she didn't mention chives, which is the one ingredient I would want removed (not a big deal imo), and 2) I was thinking the salad/soup would have been extra but actually that was part of the meal and I didn't get one.  Once again, no deal breaker there and now I am the wiser.

    In terms of the dancers, Monday is always going to be the worst day at any club.  Dancers would dance 2 songs, then there would be a song with no dancer on the main stage, and then the next dancer.  This is understandable given the amount of foot traffic on a Monday.  Thursday/Fridays should be much busier.  Most of the women there weren't really my type, but still very good for a Monday day shift.  It seemed like everyone was having a lot of fun.  On the stage 2 there is a 20 ft pole and I watched a girl ascend it in like 2 seconds.  She then proceeded to grab something on the ceiling 2+ ft from the pole.  She then dangled from way up there.  It was really impressive, albeit I got knots in my stomach as I was nervous for her own safety.  I wasn't even sure how she was going to get back on the pole but she did so effortlessly with her legs.

    Anyways, if you want a great meal, Monday's is great but the club is not as active as you can expect later in the week.

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    I always ask myself that when i realize I'm at a nudy bar because it doesn't happen more than twice in a calendar year. This visit was due to me being in the big D for work and realizing I was going home the next day.
    Thanks to all the ladies who gave their best to earn my dollars! Quality women doing rock star stuff. hands down the only strip club I've ever been to in Texas!

    You better come check this place out!

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    Where the girls are topless and the food are yummy! I have to admit the first time I went here I wasn't sure about the food and how it would be to eat with girls dancing half naked around. But boy was the steak and lobster specials on Thursdays are GREAT! They have lunch and dinner special everyday. Lunches starts at $5 and dinner is $10. There is a two dollar entrance fee but it is worth it for the cheap and good quality food.
    Today I went for steak and lobster and the steak was tender and the lobster was cook perfectly! For $10 for lunch, you also get a side salad and stir fry veggies with your steak and lobster!

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    I'm not really a frequent fan of clubs like these. I enjoy them, but I've never really been a fan of teasing. I like full commitment. So one night I was hanging with my buddies at our apartment complex and we came here. The talent was top notch and the establishment was very classy. I'd recommend this place, especially for business entertaining unless you work for some super conservative corporation that worries about its image and stuff.

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    I'll preface by stating that I'm not a huge fan of the "Gentlemen's Club".

    Don't get me wrong.  I'm not naïve.  

    I'm well aware an exchange of commerce is involved in almost every romantic transaction, be it a simple date or a final round selection of a mate.

    ...and it's certainly not from lack of experience.  I've stuffed G-strings from Virginia Beach to San Diego.  I Motorboat'd my way from Australia to Tijuana during my Navy days.  Ask me about the time I almost got shot by a Federales for jumping on stage to "work the rings" at some sketchy joint on Revolution.  Go on, ask.

    My problem?  I genuinely love women.  It's difficult for me to get thoroughly aroused while some gorgeous girl grinds my stub, without her first elaborating on her hopes and dreams.  It's just fucking ungentlemanly.  

    That being said, our objective that day was simple:  As one of the last weekends of warm weather anticipated, we had hoped to find a bevy of beauties to assist us in recreating the iconic Boats 'n Hoes scene from Stepbrothers on my sailboat.  Because, you see, your girlfriend might tell you she's into it.  ...and that chick you met at Sherlocks the previous evening that thought it was the best idea ever?  They'll both call in sick when you remind them the next day that bikinis and video equipment will come into play.  

    By default, our best bet was to find a few exhibitionists that enjoy drinks, boating, good company, and an opportunity to flaunt their assets.

    Armed with this logic, we begin our search at the best-rated strip club on Yelp - The Lodge.

    We navigated our way to the Lodge through the toxic waste portion of Dallas.  Past the dude aggressively soliciting donations for his crack addiction on an I-35E exit.
    Past the less-than-bordello motels.  Past the strip clubs that were held in place by stucco and sleaze.

    We were rewarded for our Odyssian persistence by the lavish interior of the Lodge.  If Zaroff in The Most Dangerous Game had preferred hoes to hunting, this would be his sanctuary.  The interior of the establishment is intricately designed to simulate a hunting lodge built into a natural landscape.  Dancers enter the main stage from a cave, trophies of the hunt line the walls, and book-lined studies grace the outer lying areas.  

    A damn classy joint, in my not-so-humble opinion.

    ...and since the place has class up the ass, they don't hustle you with requests for jukebox donations, overly priced OJ for the ladies, or pressure you into tipping every platform shoe-adorned Dime Piece that walks by your table.  It's a very low-pressure environment, merely providing with you with the opportunity to fund a gal's college tuition via singles on the stage, or $20s for a dance at your table.  

    But really?  You can get ambiance and booze anywhere.  Why did we spend five hours at the place, dropping near a grand on beers and dances in the middle of the day?

    The ladies.  They were simply that amazing.  I'd love to elaborate, but it would take away from our exchange.  

    My only regret is that we had lunch prior to arriving at the Lodge.  We indulged in gas station tacos prior to learning from one of our new friends that the cuisine is top notch.  If I ever have the incentive, I'll return for a meal, and possibly another Yelp.


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    Amongst the most unique strip joints I've ever been to.

    The decor is fantastic, I really enjoy the theme, you feel as though you're a gentleman on your estate having come home from a hunt to find a bevy of giant fake tits gracing your parlor.

    The cover being $10 (at least the night i was there) was a real nice change from the typical $15-$20 you pay at most places.

    The strangest thing about this place was the lack of aggressiveness the young ladies purposed on the gentlemen gracing their dance hall. You aren't really expected to give a tip to the main stage dancer unless you go up there, stand and wait for her to clobber your face with her breasts and then slide the dollar into her underpants.

    A nice place all around and fun for all ages. Good for Kids (well probably not....

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    Great inexpensive food and awesome views.

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    So I was roaming the streets of downtown Dallas right after the Mavs won the championship and I decided to split a cab with some random dude I met off the street. I told him I was visiting from out of town and he asked me if I wanted to go to the best place in Dallas.  Being that I was a little tipsy I said fuck it, lets go! The cab driver ends up dropping us off at this place and it didn't disappoint.

    We sat at a table and ordered like 5 plates of crab claws. We ordered some other stuff that I can't remember but the crab claws were legit. The ladies at the club were equally delicious. This one chick was flying through the air on some cirque soleil type shit. That's the type of chick I would wife up real quick. I think I fell in love with a few of the ladies but I can't really remember. I just wish their tuition wasn't so damn expensive.

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    I feel the need to review this place because I really did have a great time.  I had no idea I'd end up in a strip club on a random Tuesday night.  We were meeting up for drinks and tapas with a friend and her boyfriend and his "colleagues" which totaled a completely random group of characters.

    We got to dinner late, so most of the group was drunk, and when the decision was made that we were going to a t-bar after, I didn't see any reason to decline.  I haven't spent a whole lot of time in Dallas, so as we were driving toward the Lodge, I learned where I can go to make some money if I'm ever down on my luck.  (Just kidding! really!!!)  Anyway, I was glad they had a gated parking lot because it was a really shady part of town, but when we went inside, it was surprisingly classy.  

    Lots of animal print upholstery and animal heads mounted on the walls explained the "Lodge" name.  As for the entertainment, it was a Tuesday, so there were a few B-teamers out that night, which actually made for some good laughs amongst our group.  But seriously, the service was great, the girls were (mostly) pretty good looking and friendly, and it proved to be a good time had for all.  If I knew of someone looking for a place like this in Dallas, I would definitely recommend it (but that might also be because I don't have any other suggestions, haha!).

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    I would move in if I could afford it. In some ways the place makes me feel at home (i.e. the women in the place pay no attention to me). In other ways it is completely foreign (i.e. the food tastes much better than Top Ramen). My last trip to The Lodge was unbelievable. Every entertainer who took the stage was a 9 or 10.  We were there at least an hour and a half.  Not much diversity, but damn those white girls were bad. I need to take this opportunity to salute the plastic surgeons in Dallas *tips his hat*. One delightful young lady did sit and converse with our group long enough to determine we had no money (less than two minutes- it doesn't take long). She must have been on a recognizance mission. Evidently she reported back to the rest of the squadron...no more company for us.

    The five dollar pork chop can go toe to toe with Bob's Steak and Chop. The ten dollar prime rib got two thumbs up from my compadre. The five dollar club sandwich was a club sandwich. Bring your black card, I don't think making it "rain on dem hos" is allowed. The drinks aren't cheap at all, but the lunch specials off set the cost. Entry is very cheap around lunchtime. Anything off the five dollar menu is worth double (even the club). The steak and lobster for ten makes you question if they are going to arrest you on yer way out for theft. I think I mentioned the girls were amazing already, but that fact is worth repeating.

    I cannot give this place a five due to a fair amount of creepiness. The image of the seventy year old oil mogul scraping his skeletal claw down a hot strippers back a couple of tables away on our last visit still haunts me. From what I gather, that scenario is repeated on a regular basis. The music is fairly varied, top 40, classic rock, alternative, R&B, country, don't think I have ever heard much hip-hop. You can carry on a conversation in the place without yelling.  The whole compound is well appointed and clean. I have never had any business at all being in there, but will continue to go until they tell me I can't.  If you can afford it, there is no reason not to go.  If you can't afford to be there, fake it.

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    The first word I can say is WOW. I had my doubts about this place being capable of having good food after I read some of the rather suspect reviews but boy did they prove me wrong! This place is utterly awesome. I came to Dallas for a conference and wanted some entertainment and good food. I had the rib eye with side salad and baked potato. The salad was super fresh! Down to the damn croutons!

    The rib eye was cooked to a perfect medium well and came with its juices and a delicious butter topping. The potato was super soft and baked perfectly.

    Now to the girls! Top notch. These people have gentleman's entertainment right. Even my server gave me a great attitude and service for the whole night. And guess what? The beers are bottled only but ice cold! I would highly recommend this place. =0)

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    I had some friends drag me here kicking and screaming claiming they had great food.  Guess what they were right great meals at an even greater price.  I had the signature steak and lobster tail for $10.  The only thing that sucks is Bill Bates doesn't sign their signature steaks.  The great part is Bill Bates doesn't dance there either which means they ladies are working hard to burn a hole in your wallet.  I will tell you that they do have great food and some beautiful ladies that serve the food and offer various gyrating movements known to many as a lap dance.  I have never taken part in one of these until my drink was spiked and then all I can remember were multiple friends spending money forcing me to receive the aforementioned lap dance.  

    This joint has great couple specials on Saturdays free before 9pm and dinner and dessert for just $25.  That's right folks great food and some hot a$$ ladies working their magic and trying to pay that light bill.  I think the least you could do as a red blooded American is help boost the economy and blow your bread on these fine ladies.  Whatever you do don't be scared just do what needs to be done have some dinner and 3 to 10 lap dances to make it a nice and quiet evening of fun.

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    What a great time we had.  Boobs, booze & good food?, woohooo. Went with a group of about 20 for my Hubby's surprise Birthday celebration last weekend.  Firstly the enviroment itself was refreshing, the hostess was very welcoming and even complimentary, Our party was seated in the library area, low sexy lighting, plush chairs not your typically tacky stripclub. Our group all had dinner (their date night menu choice is fabulous deal, good quality food and very  inexpensive.) We ended up ordering from the regular menu and found it to be great value and very tasty. The drinks were strong (and happy hourwas til 9) our waitress was great, very pretty, attentive and happy (I think a few of our friends were not so lucky with their girl but hey....ours was great :-P )

    id say 90% of the girls I saw here looked awesome and there was a great variety of "types" which is great. Of course some of them seemed pretty disinterested and I was hoping for a little more impressive show/dances...but then there were those  that made up for the prior and were just awesome. Friendly sexy and fun.
    Music was varied and for the most part enjoyable

    All in all, a great night. We ate, we drank, we were merry and The Lodge was a great place to do it..About 1/2 of our group remained until the very end of the night so of course our tabs were pretty healthy but not shocking. They welcome us gals...so ladies, grab your boys/girls and take take em for a sexy date night, you wont be disapppointed. We will definately return.

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    This has the best quality of girls of any gentlemen club in Dallas. I avoided this place for the longest time thinking that there wasn't much here, but boy was I wrong. I was extremely impressed!

    Quality comes with a price, as does any place of this kind. So here's your fair warning, but it's worth it!

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    Ok, I know I'm gonna get hammered on this one, but let me say a few things.  I have been coming here for 9 years.  When I started I was a young single man who smoked and drank like it was going out of style. Now I'm an older (29) married man and I still come here.  They have hands down the best club sandwiches I've ever had.  They put red onions on it which gives it a bite and a slight sweetness.  Also, as a VIP member, I get free lunches on Wednesday and free car washes.  And I can bring as many guests as I want, no cover.  I've literally brought hundreds of men and women here for business and pleasure.  I'm also a smoker; I don't smoke cigarettes, but I smoke cigars, have since I was 14, and this is the only place in Dallas, where I can smoke a cigar, have a bourbon and eat a great meal.  I'm not really into their steaks.  If I want a steak I'll go to Del Frisco's or III Forks, but their selection of wild game is very extensive.  My wife comes with me and she enjoys the whole experience.  They used to have this southwest salad with fajita steak and chicken and shrimp with jicama; it was great.  I'm not going to get into the whole exploitation issue because most of those girls make more money than me and the women whom I've come to call friends enjoy what they do.  Is it sleazy, maybe?  You can't deny it if your objective.  However, as I gotten older and seen a few things, I tend to look at things with a different perspective.  I think we have too many hangups about nude forms and should all just take a deep breathe, and relax.  It's only a naked woman, not an alien!

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    Ummm, so I'm not sure what the deal is here.... Are you not supposed to review strip clubs on Yelp??? Did the other reviewers miss the fact that there are boobies IN YOUR FACE at The Lodge? Well, I guess I'll just take one for the team and give my two cents on The Lodge - the stripclub.

    As you can tell from my five stars, I REALLY like The Lodge. Not sure if this is because my first couple of months out here were wasted at Babydolls, but The Lodge is dope.

    When you walk in (and if you are a girl my experience is they will let you "sneak" in without paying cover), it's set up like an old hunters lodge (hence the name). They have plush comfortable seats, and make good use of the overall largeness of the club by creating intimate "enclaves" of tables in different areas. There are NO blue lights, the music is completely varied, and you don't see many sketchy types in the club - i.e. the people with no money who are drunk and continually harrass the strippers. It really feels like a classy "gentleman's" club.

    The girls in here are absolutely hot! The Lodge has found a good way to cater to every taste without hiring the "Charlize Theron from Monster" types, and the pushing 55 and still stripping crowd. There are blondes, brunettes, an assortment of ethnicities, really skinny, and normal body size, real and (well done) fake boobs, goth-like chicks, overly made up blondes, "girl next door" types, etc., etc.

    A lot of the girls here are really nice, I really like the drinks, and my tab isn't too bad (but I don't solicit "other" services...). Four stars because some of the girls think being hot means they don't have to have good lap dancing skills. But overall, I still really like The Lodge.

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    If you can look past the environment, which is mainly of entertaining values, you will find that the food at this establishment is very good.  They have a variety of unique dishes as well that go well with the name of this place, mainly wild game, such as venison.  It's not a place you want to take your SO to on a date though, most likely.  A nice humidor and a good selection of after dinner drinks will allow you to finish off the night nicely.  As for dessert, it comes in 6 inch heels and very little coverage.

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