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    Stopped by this place yesterday and was interested because it always seems to be busy on weekends.  I came to find out that it was likely more busy due to it being BYOB than food quality.  Don't get me wrong, my camarones momias were delish but the same couldn't be said about my wife's dish.  She ordered the garlic shrimp dish and some of the shrimps hadn't been prepped correctly.  There was still vein in a couple of them.  Come on people this is seafood 101.  And the avocados they served with our dishes were still green.  It's like eating an unripened banana.  And who likes that.  The tostadas bag table side was open when we sat down.  Not a big deal to me but my wife equated it to having someone else's bread bowl unfinished.  Overall it wasn't that bad but they do need to do better in the cleanliness department.

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    Great place to get fresh and delicious Mexican seafood.  You can get some fresh ceviche to fancier pinaple stuffed with seafood. Its not fancy, it a great neighboorhood spot. Forget the large retail chain. Great attentive service. Great place to catch a soccer game

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    I had a red snapper huachinango fish it was the smallest fish I had ever paid $18 for.  Almost all other places are way bigger and better like la palapa.  I lookes around to other peoples dishes their huachinangos we also very small.  In that case thaey should call it fried sushi.  The owner is making a killing on this dish.  Their cocteles are good. But I'll never let them rip me off on their fish dishes.

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    Great Place!!!

    This has been my little secret place for a long time!!!

    The only reason I did not give it 5 stars is the service. They are great people but they are a family owned place. They really do not know about  professional service its not their fault.

    The food speaks for itself. It is awesome... I always stop by to pick up orders is Ceviche. It is the healthiest fast food seafood in the planet.

    I'm in and out in 10 minute and get to eat delicious seafood. I have always loved this place. It's not a hole in the wall. It's been around for a long time.

    It's not fancy at all... This is were you take your GF of 6 months after all the formalities are over LOL

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    VERY hole in the wall but some great food.  I love seafood and have eaten at some pretty fancy places but this place always hits the spot and is very consistent.  

    I like the ceviche, camarones a la diabla, and caldo de camaron.   Pretty much all their shrimp dishes are delicious.

    The prices are not as expensive as other marisco restaurants. I usually do carryout bc getting a seat can be tough on the weekends.

    Also, BYOB .

    Overall, nice casual place to drink a beer and have some seafood at an affordable price.

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    Great little hole in the wall seafood place.  I particularly like the oysters here - they are nice, quality oysters as opposed to some other places where you're very wary of eating their raw oysters.  You start things off here with a small cup of "Vuelve a la vida" which is basically a great spicy hangover drink with a shrimp in it.

    Most everything on the menu is pretty good.  I especially like "Camarones a la Plancha" and "Camarones al Diablo".  Very nice dishes with tasty sides/sauces.  Off the menu and probably my favorite "side" is their bread with butter (pan con mantaquilla)....it's toasted just perfectly!

    This is a BYOB place, which is actually pretty nice as you can drink for less than you would at a restaurant and they will supply you with a salt-rimmed plastic cup with lime in it for your beer.

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