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    I know plenty of people wouldn't dream of eating here because it's a cafeteria. But, having survived on MCL food when I was an undergrad down in Bloomington, IN, I am still a fan.

    The truth is, if you can bet beyond the cafeteria stigma - carrying your food on a plastic tray to a table, etc. - this is a good place to grab a decent meal when you've forgotten to plan ahead at home.

    For my extended family this is a "go to" place because we have "near vegetarians,"  "no veggies at all" and everything in-between eaters that all have to be satisfied when we get together. It's also one of the few places that's ready to go with a full menu for the older folks among us who sometimes want to eat well before 6pm. Also good for carryout when the chef is under the weather...hint, hint.

    Besides, I love their Irani brand iced tea :-). Cobb salads and most of the veggies here are a safe bet, too. In the end, MCL food reminds me of what mom cooked growing up - back in the days when the entire family gathered for dinner.

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