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    This place has always been hit or miss for me. Went in Monday night planning to grab a quick beer on my way home. I ended up staying till close. Cory and Britt were on the bar outside and definitely made my night worth while. They were funny, joked around with me and each other, got my beers the second I needed one and Cory corrected my food mess up before I even knew something was wrong. And it helps that they're both hot as hell. THAT is what a bartender should be like! Those girls sealed the deal of where I'll be every Monday from now on. Still not sold on the other nights yet but getting closer...

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    So Miller's Ale House is way bigger than I thought (that's what she said) and the neon glow of signs and big flatscreens permeates the place, as with any sports bar. There is a lot of seating at tall, long tables with stools. Who invented the stool, though, and seriously WHY? Whoever decided to remedy this monstrosity of a seat with a chair back was a brilliant saint. However, the stools are backless here.

    Fear not though, your yelp pseudo-protagonist with poor sitting posture (me) found a table at the back. The acoustics of this place are such that it is likely loud at 10% capacity. The waitress we had did not understand or hear us at any point throughout the evening. Also, if I cared enough, I would have a bone to pick about their ridiculous uniforms. While male staff members had slacks and black button-ups or polos, the women were clad in black tees, black aprons, and uber short black shorts or skirts. Worse were the neon lime green athletic socks and neon pink suspenders. I guess the intention (other than exploiting lady limbs) was to match the neon glow? But in an environment of wood, philly colors, and fish sculptures mounted on the walls, it seemed even more ill-fitting. Which is all ultimately irrelevant, I suppose.

    Because worse is the food. Who really cares what the wait staff is wearing when the food is something I could make of better quality at home? My cheeseburger was the most boring, bland burger I've had in... years. The fries on various plates at our table were inconsistent in color and spices. My brother was disappointed in the seafood mac & cheese. My friend's order of a steak with a lobster tail came accompanied by what were probably frozen veggies out of a bag.

    I'd be willing to come back and maybe up the rating to three stars, but only because they have a decent set of beers available. They should just ditch most of their menu and focus on good fried appetizers, or something. The prices are okay if you are okay with sub par food.

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    We were staying at the adjacent Aloft hotel, and after a long day we decided to just head over. I thought I was transported back to a 1980s Bennigan's. Nearly everything was fried or covered in cheese or some fatty sauce. Dreadful.

    I would have given one-star except that the service -- on a VERY busy night -- was really quite good.

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