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    Ordered a grilled chicken Ceasar salad, it was ok but hella small and expensive for the size. Bari's Pizzeria or Brothers Pizzeria are a little further but have much better and bigger salads for the money, for the same price a My Pizza i get 2-3 times more salad and waaaaay more chicken! see the thing is that there are no other pizzeria's in close proximity to My Pizza so the can get away with the higher prices due to lack of close competition. Come on guys it's romaine lettuce a few strips of grilled chicken and some dressing on the side, a small for $9?! Not being cheap but I'll rather wait for a further place to deliver or spend the gas and drive and get the better salad. As far as the pizza I wouldn't know since I don't eat pizza (no carb diet) but the specialty slices do look delicious

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    Not bad, not great. Average Pizzeria.

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    This place is hit or miss. I've only ordered delivery a few times when visiting friends who live on SI.

    On a few occasions items were left out of the order, but were later delivered after we called to correct the omission.

    The pizza is usually good. We've tried Alfredo, Sicilian, pepperoni, mushroom, and plain slices, as well as a multi-topping pie. Again, pizza is generally good; not great or memorable. A couple of times slices have been burnt or tasted as if they'd sat around a while before reheating.

    Spinach roll is good. Friends like the garlic knots.

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    It's a nice place to grab a slice especially in the neighborhood. Food was delightful and love the cannolis!!

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    After my regular pizza place right around the corner closed down, I spent 6 months looking for a replacement as I work from home most days and order lunch in pretty much every day. I tried 5 different places until I tried My Pizza. The food from the kitchen is particularly good, especially the pasta. The pizza is good, the delivery is quick and the prices are actually somewhat lower than most places on the island. Never a miscommunication, they pull up your address from your phone number... It is as good as it gets.

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    The pizza is really delicious. I love especially the grandma slices, and I usually add a cannoli for dessert. Sometimes I eat in and sometimes I order delivery. The food is priced right so it can get busy on a friday night so its good to order early. Pizza sauce is out of this world delicious.

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    Nothing too Special about this place. It's one of the first pizza joints you'll run into after crossing the Verrazano Bridge into Staten Island, right off of exit 13. The local neighborhood pizzeria.

    Simple Decor. Huge Oven behind the counter with the glass display of specialty slices waiting to be picked. You know the huge specialty slices topped with crazy stuff like huge chunks of Buffalo Chicken or those crazy looking slices piled high with mad broccoli that are always just waiting there when you go into a local pizza joint. This place is no different. The specialty slices almost look like those plastic toy food pieces that come with the fake kitchen set. Yeah, the fake chicken and pizza plastic toys that you played with when your like in kindergarten. It's for that reason I usually don't pick up specialty slices from Mom & Pop pizza shops just cause you don't know how long they've been waiting for you.

    It was a whatever though day. The dude behind the counter was cool and was ready to take my order as soon I as I walked in.

    "Lemme get that Chicken, Tomatoes and Onion Slice right there. You know what, lemme get a Plain Slice too"

    "How much are the Garlic Knots?" ... "Six for a Dolla Fifty? Yeah, I'll take six of those as well"

    Dude placed my order in the oven. Five minute wait.  From the oven to a pizza box and I'm out the door.

    Gadzooks! The Chicken Tomatoes and Onion Slice were warm at best. I'm used to biting into pizza and having my tongue burned and the top of my mouth scorched. Nothing worse than eating a cold slice of pizza as your driving away from the spot. It just came out the oven for goodness sake, why is my pizza cold? grumble grumble grumble

    The crazy part is the pizza actually wasn't bad. The cut up onions & tomatoes  added a sweet kina flavor and the chicken chunks and tomato sauce were alright. But I really couldn't enjoy it cause it was warm/cold.

    The Plain Slice was warm/cold too, nothing really to write off. Blah Blah Blah

    The Garlic Knots. Greasy little balls of dough. Not Tasty. Cold marinara sauce served with 'em.

    I really wasn't expecting much and I didn't get much. Definitely not "My Pizza" joint but I guess you can make it yours if you want.

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    2.5 stars.

    Never been to Staten Island before, saw this pizza joint n was thinking "NYC style pizza!!!"  

    When I saw the pizza I stopped dead in my tracks n was about to pivot around n leave, but my sister was interested in the pizza.  I was expecting typical NYC pizza - paper thin, crispy, big slices.  What I saw was blocky thick, Ellio's pizza style crust and small slices...

    The only slice that looked like a typical slice was the plain cheese that was flat..which I was going to get but my sister urged me to go for a variety slice.. the only thing that tempted me was the philly slice.. healthy helping of chopped cheese steak meat w/slices of green peppers completely covered in a thick layer of yellow american cheese sauce that cooled down... I was very skeptical but the taste was actually good.  The meat was tasty and the crust was crispy and not thick tasting as I had thought.  Not bad, was expecting worse..my stomach on the other hand..................

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    The pizza here isn't top notch nor does it try to be comparable to Lombardi's, L&B and the like but this is the only place I've ever order my slices/rolls/pasta from. Their prices are pretty fair and the guys behind the counter are always really friendly and easy going. So far I haven't had a disappointing slice from them out of all the times I've order out with them. The rolls and pasta are pretty good and generous in portion. My favorite at the moment are their grandma slices for some reason. Their margarita slices are good too!! Will keep going back as long as they're in business which I hope is a long, long forever.

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    When they first opened their pizza & wings rocked! Then it just became ok.
    Not a great area of town after hours. If you order for delivery they are pretty fast. The illegal aliens drive really fast. Only possible problem like I had one night was my delivery never made it cause they were stopped by the U.S. Park Police driving like chicken little on Fort Wadsworth and my delivery guy was arrested for having no drivers license. Not a happy night for him & me. :(

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    Delivered really fast, but on busy days they take longer.
    Delivery guy was really nice and polite.
    I got a large pie with half sausage and half mushroom.
    It was great, although, i didn't really taste the mushroom much.
    Total was $13.65

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    i usually order from here because it's consistant. not exactly "Goodfellas" and "Grandma's Original Pizza" good... but definately decent and well priced. they never mess up an order, the delivery guys are always so sweet, they have coupons/specials all the time, and i love their plain cheese pizza.

    their Chicken Cutlet Parmagiana, rolls, Chicken pizza, and of course the Cheese pizzas are my favorite. get a free soda, Buffalo wings, or Garlic Knots w/ one of their special deals. On a dark, gloomy, and rainy day... i like to order their Chicken Noodle Soup. slightly on the salty side... but it's strong taste seems to revive me from any cold or flu. plus, i just add a little water so it lasts me until the next day.

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