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    nightlight is by far the most important venue in the local music scene of chapel hill. no other establishment focuses so much energy on supporting artists (brand new as well as local legends), promoting experimentation, and providing a foundation for community. nightlight does not just serve as a hub for musicians, but also for visual artists, dancers, theater-makers, and others. i am a former employee, so i am admittedly biased, but after having spent almost five years as a resident of chapel hill / carrboro and an active participant in the local music scene, i have to say that nightlight is much more than just a venue, it's a home for artists of all kinds. there are tons of musicians - not just local rock bands - who played at nightlight when they couldn't get shows at any of the other venues in town, like the local 506 or the cat's cradle. i have been to lots of other cities in the united states, and i have not found anything that does quite what nightlight manages to do. it is rare to have a business be so dedicated to a local community, but the reason nightlight is so dedicated to music community is that it was created by and is run and supported by the music community. against all odds, this little "artland vortex" has stood the test of time, and i hope it continues to stand at 405 1/2 west rosemary st. for many years to come.

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    Great local spot that's always had good shows for being a smaller sized club.  No complaints, they have a cool alley way and lots of awesome vintage chairs and stuff for sitting down on.

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    If you're looking for a small, comfortable venue with modest beer selection and interesting decor, Nightlight is your place. The couches are just the right mixture of cozy and torn up. Everything is a little shabby, but in a good way -- a relaxed, comfortable way. It doesn't feel dirty or decayed, but rather worn in and familiar like a good pair of shoes. The musical selection is eclectic, ranging from experimental noise pop (Jamie Stewart of Xiu Xiu has DJ'd here) to country/Americana/folk. It has a lot of character, and it's the kind of place that I would stop in on a random night just to sample what is going on, without knowing ahead of time what I'm in for. I just trust Nightlight to bring me something entertaining and different every time. I wish that there was a more robust beer selection, but that would be my only (small) complaint.

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    Great venue for all types of stuff. Friendly staff, decent bar options. DIY at its best.

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    I came by ages ago for a DTH party and had a wonderful time. I am not sure how much it has changed since then but it really played to the hipster crowd.

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    More than anywhere else in the area, this venue makes bold, daring choices to bring in a diverse mix of talented musical acts.  And the atmosphere is very relaxed... reminds me of going to an unimaginably good old-school 'basement-show' where all the bands sound great, everyone else is cool, and the keg never runs dry.

    Sure, not every show will appeal to every taste (for example, I avoid their occasional D.J. dance party nights).  My advice is to check their website or the Independent (which often selects shows at the Nightlight as one of their weekly 'picks') and read the description.  If it sounds intriguing, make your way down the little alley next to Fuse restaurant and check it out.

    And if you like what you hear, buy the CD (bands need love).

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    Nightlight is a sorta grimey bar down an alley on Rosemary St, Fuse is right next door. The Nightlight is probably best known for being the venue that takes the most chances with underground and experimental music and keeping the old Chapel Hill flavor alive. Any show you go to here is bound to be interesting..if not always well attended.

    The place has been revamped a bit since Skylight is now gone (the bookstore and cafe part of the business). Now there is much more open space to allow Nightlight to function as a music venue/dance club/bar.

    Also, Nightlight has recently obtained their liquor license so it's a membership bar now and you have to deal with that whole annoying scenario..I think memberships cost $5 and you can get them at the door.

    Interesting tidbits: Bathrooms often unisex, the real party is out back, intense fog machine, play everyone's favorite bar game: which band(s) is that bartender in?

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    I miss trivia night with Jeremy.

    Nightlight is awesome, and - unless things have changed since the last time I went there - has the best sandwiches in the entire United States and Canada, and outlying U.S. territories.

    If you're looking for an elegant dining or coffee drinking spot, look elsewhere.  If you're out for true grit, more character than seems entirely healthy, and walls lined with hundreds of used books, and the weirdest and most interesting live music performances in the Triangle, Nighlight is the place.

    Cheap, comfortable, gruff but friendly staff, and excellent everything.

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    for what it is and what it tries to be, it does it. it's a place where people can come and just hang out and browse through used books and lps, drink a beer and have a sandwich, and listen to live music or on the right nights, watch or participate in music trivia.
    it's a place that a lot of oakland and la places try to be, the whole DIY/indie/experimental hang out, and fails to be in its insincerity, but the nightlight seems pretty down to earth and more genuine.

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    This is a cool little dive in the sidewalk alley next door to Fuse.  You'll find some great Indie bands stop thru here, so hopefully your musical taste is broad.  The beer is cheap, if you like beer,  and it's a great place to get together with friends and just relax and listen to some unheard art as music.

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