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    Holy shmoly! I can't believe this has 1 review!

    Well I will tell you, Karaoke night was excellent. The games were entertaining to watch, and Foosball is kick ass.

    Bar tender..... not so cool. I was doing my fair share of drinking, and I like to have water with my booze because I'm not a spring chicken and I get hangovers like a mother f...... (I'm under 25 but old enough to understand where hangovers come from: DEHYDRATION, and other things, but I digress)

    The new bartender REFUSED to give me a cup of water over 3 times. First few rounds I tipped him respectively, so I figured we'd be homies, but the feeling was not mutual.

    Another patron heard me order and asked the guy why he wouldn't bring me water, he said that he was a "bartender".... a real comedian it seems.

    My friends are regulars, they say this guy was a new bartender and Nobby's isnt typically like that, but that one guy was damn disrespectful and hella irresponsible.

    But I gave this place a legit review because the atmosphere and Karaoke was very nice, and they had beer on tap (low expectations I know, but I had a lot of fun)

    $5 beers, but it could have been a "special" price for me... the chick who ordered water.

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    hay y'all it's nobby's

    y'all like doughy, floppy redneck wimmens grindin' all up on eachother?

    y'all like yer men in only two styles of hair: mullet er skin?

    y'all like karaoke but want a crowd whut only sings death metal er cat-yowly country ballads?

    y'all like yer barkeeps drunker than most of the patrons, takin' years to get yer order and then screwin' it up entirely if and when they remember to make it?

    y'all like ta drive by a bar at 3:00pm on a monday and see a guy passed out lyin' halfway onto the sidewalk?

    hay y'all: it's nobby's

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