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    3 of us were there for lunch about 1:30 on Mon. and were pleasantly and promptly greeted.  The manager also greeted us.

    The salad bar had fresh vegetables as well as some fruits.  There was a cook making up stir fry "to order".  There were 2 kinds of chicken, meat loaf, fish as well as many "sides" and breads.  Also cappucino blends, coffee,sodas and appealing desserts.  The tables were cleared promptly..

    Some other reviewers complained about children, but there were only 2 or 3 when we were there.  I'm sure there's a big difference between the amount of children at a weekday lunch time compared to an evening dinner or meals on a weekend as far as noisy children attending.   We have been to many restaurants on weekends that were not buffets and been subjected to noisy kids (and adults).

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    What's with the horrible reviews?  I've probably been to this location 4/5 times over the last 6 months and I have had no complaints. Sure a lot of families come in with young kids but I've never once heard young kids yell or anything.

    The place is clean, under 11 bucks per person  and the food is always hot ( and filled ).  And what's with the " it's not a healthy place to eat" comments?  It's a buffet, what did you expect?  I rarely go out to eat, but when I do,  I actually only go out to buffets since I eat more than the average Joe ( I'm not fat at all ).

    Recommended if you are in a really hungry mood.  Just don't go all the time, the calories will pile on ;)

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    This is the worst buffet I have ever been too. The food is not good. The restaurant is a mess and the customers it attracts is pitiful. There are kids everywhere and their parents do NOT supervise them. Avoid!!

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    Back in the day (and I'm talking YEARS ago) this OCB was pretty decent. When I was a little girl. But now? Jesus I wouldn't be caught dead in here. The food is awful, and the pans are usually more than half empty.  If you go at 'busy hours' be prepared to get a headache with your meal too. Screaming children, adults who don't care. Also expect to hear this: "A line? What newfangled word is this?!"

    The health conscious should not enter this establishment, as there is nothing on the menu that you would deem appropriate. Not even the salad bar (which is pretty damn gross).

    Tasteless all you can eat food for a cheap price. Thanks but I'ma have to pass on this one.

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    This a review of their breakfast buffet, available every Saturday, Sunday and major holidays.
    First, a little bit about me. I have lost a pretty fair percentage of my body weight over the past year due to a battle with cancer, which I am pleased to say I am currently winning. (fingers crossed behind my back!) So, as a result, I have been carb-loading as of late, trying to
    get back just a portion of my previous girth.
    The thing with this OCB's breakfast is that they haven't messed anything up since I've visited four times in the past 5 months. I noticed a big banner out front last weekend that advertises that their breakfast buffet, previously priced @ $8.99, was now only $5.99. I was going there anyway, and this was a pleasant surprise. I mean, all you can eat, with beverage for under $7 with tax? I did notice more bodies in the dining room, so apparently the banner was achieving the desired result of bringing in more traffic. I noted that they did cut out their dessert-type items, probably due to the items being less popular than the breakfast-type food. That was too bad, as their little fudge squares reminded me of my Grandmother's and a few pieces always found their way wrapped in a napkin and into my pocket, in flagrant violation of their rules against taking food out of the buffet! I also noticed that they only had one O.J. dispenser, which was completely empty only an hour into their being open that morning. It eventually got replaced, but on my previous visit 2 weeks earlier a server had offered to get the O.J. for me, and here this past week not only did no one ask but I had to wait.
    OK, so what do they do well? Well, I'm a fan of the made-to-order omelets, for which they give you an assortment of stuffins' that they can fold into your omelet. I only bother with the chopped ham and bacon (yes, I'm a pig, oink, oink!) but I can also remember seeing something like a tomato salsa, and onions, plus a few others. Their breakfast sausage is also pretty good, just spicy enough to be wake up your mouth a little. They also have liquefied margarine that you can ladle right onto your pancakes, mini-Belgian waffles or French toast right before you ladle on the hot syrup right next to it. The cashiers are always cheerful and have a "good morning" for you, something that a lot of McDonald's and B.K. servers could learn from!
    As for service, well, you have to remember that this *is* a self-service buffet, and the reason it's so cheap is that you do all the fetchin' of your food. All is ask is that you clear my used plate within a reasonable amount of time, and it's been hit-n-miss sometimes. I guess I wouldn't get as annoyed if I didn't see workers helping themselves to their own breakfast after they've only been open an hour (I like to eat early, before the church crowds!) As I've only gone there alone, I only leave a buck tip, which I think is fair given the very limited service provided. Now, at a Vegas buffet where there is full beverage service and the cost is more than double OCB, I leave $2 if alone or $5 for 2 of us.
    Will I be back? For $5.99+tax, hell yeah! When I get the cholesterol report from my Doc that shows I'm going too often, it may be game over, but for now, let the pounds pile on!

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    I did like the fact that I was the skinniest girl in this place (I was like the Kate Moss of cheap buffets), but that was pretty much all I liked about my experience at OCB. Until I met my (now ex) boyfriend, I had never been to one of these establishments.  I will never return, either.

    It was cheap enough, but the food was not appetizing at all. I think it was meatloaf night or something, and my European genes do not allow me to consume meatloaf. All the veggies were wilted and sad, and the salad bar had iceberg lettuce (ugh). Essentially it was really cheap, but the food was really tasteless and bad for you.

    I also spent about an hour in the bathroom after leaving. Whatever I ate there did not agree with my insides whatsoever (and I have an iron stomach- I've eaten street food in Thailand). Never again!

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