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    Musicians beware. Ownership known to 'slight' musicians on their pay. Short contract recommended. Handshake no good.  Was there with a crew to hear a jazz band, and they slighted the musicians on their pay.
    -what I heard

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    I had been searching for my "go-to" neighborhood spot and I think I may have found it in Paparazzi!

    This place just opened 4 weeks ago according to the friendly bartender, and I've already fallen in love.  

    It's not a huge bar, but spacious enough for a neighborhood joint. I loved the juke box and music selection. They have a small lounge area and about 3 TVs for sports. The bartender was super friendly and helpful when I couldn't figure out how to use the fancy juke box. He even gave me a free shot! Street parking is readily available. I felt right at home here.

    The only thing I found weird was the co-ed restroom. It won't keep me from coming back though.

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