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    Eggplant Pizza..... Thank you Peppo that Eggplant topped pizza was amazing! The eggplants was prepared perfect and the pizza dough was fresh. The cheese was sooooooo goooood!

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    Come here after Six Flags! We did and we were not disappointed. The cheese pizza and chicken parm were delicious and reasonably priced. They had a cheeseburger pizza with french fries on it, SO GOOD. Better than the food was the service. Peppo was adorable. When he found out we were eating there, he had us sit down and brought everything over to us. We didn't have to ask for anything, he made sure we had exactly what we needed. He also brought over a basket of warm bread and butter while we were waiting for our pizza. He was such a friendly and nice guy. The pizza shop looks normal from the outside, but was cute on the inside with nice pictures and centerpieces on the table. Unfortunately, being from the Boston area, we were only in town for Six Flags but we told him with service and tasty food like that, we would be back next time we're around.

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